Neural network architecture

Neural network architecture#

This section details how to change the architecture of the Cool-chic decoder through the following arguments:

  • --n_ft_per_res

  • --arm

  • --layers_synthesis

  • --upsampling_kernel_size

  • --static_upsampling_kernel

Cool-chic decoder overview


Many useful info are logged inside the workdir specified when encoding an image or video.

(venv) python src/                         \
    --input=path_to_my_example                      \
    --output=bitstream.bin                          \

The file ./my_temporary_workdir/frame_XXX/archi.txt contains the detailed Cool-chic architecture, number of parameters and number of multiplications.

Latent dimension#

Most of the information about the frame to decode is stored inside a set of hierarchical latent grids. This is parameterized by indicating the number of features for each resolution separated by comas e.g

Using a 512x768 image from the Kodak dataset as an exemple gives the following latent dimensions

(venv) python src/ --input=kodim01.png --n_ft_per_res=1,0,2,3

cat ./frame_000/archi.txt

| module                                  | #parameters or shape   | #flops   |
| model                                   |                        |          |
|  latent_grids                           |                        |          |
|   latent_grids.0                        |   (1, 1, 512, 768)     |          |
|   latent_grids.2                        |   (1, 2, 128, 192)     |          |
|   latent_grids.3                        |   (1, 3, 64, 96)       |          |

Auto-regressive module (ARM)#

The auto-regressive probability module (ARM) predict the distribution of a given latent pixel given its neighboring pixels, driving the entropy coder. It is tuned by a single parameter --arm=<X>,<Y> serving two purposes:

  • The first number X represents both the number of context pixels and the number of hidden features for all hidden layers.

  • The second number Y sets the number of hidden layer(s). Setting it to 0 gives a single-layer linear ARM.


The ARM always has the same number of output features: 2. One is for the expectation \(\mu\) and the other is a re-parameterization of the standard deviation \(-2 \ln \sigma\).


Due to implementation constraints, we impose the following restrictions on the ARM architecture:

  • The number of context pixels and hidden features are identical and must be a multiple of 8

  • All layers except the output one are residual followed with a ReLU activation

The different context patterns are as follows:

The different ARM contexts

Using a 512x768 image from the Kodak dataset as an exemple:

(venv) python src/ --input=kodim01.png --arm=24,2

cat ./frame_000/archi.txt

| module                                  | #parameters or shape   | #flops    |
| model                                   | 0.526M                 | 0.901G    |
|  arm.mlp                                |  1.25K                 |  0.629G   |
|   arm.mlp.0                             |   0.6K                 |   0.302G  |
|    arm.mlp.0.weight                     |    (24, 24)            |           |
|    arm.mlp.0.bias                       |    (24,)               |           |
|   arm.mlp.2                             |   0.6K                 |   0.302G  |
|    arm.mlp.2.weight                     |    (24, 24)            |           |
|    arm.mlp.2.bias                       |    (24,)               |           |
|   arm.mlp.4                             |   50                   |   25.164M |
|    arm.mlp.4.weight                     |    (2, 24)             |           |
|    arm.mlp.4.bias                       |    (2,)                |           |


The upsampling network takes the set of hierarchical latent variables and upsample them to obtain a dense latent representation with the same resolution than the image to decode e.g. [C, H, W] for a H, W image. This is done by applying a single transposed convolution 2d \(N\) times to achieve an upsample of \(2^N\).

The transpose convolution kernel can be learned… or not. The argument --static_upsampling_kernel indicates that the upsampling kernel is not learned. The size of the transpose convolution kernel is changeable through the parameter --upsampling_kernel_size.


The upsampling kernel size should be even and greater or equal to 4.

# Non learnable 4x4 kernel
(venv) python src/ --input=kodim01.png --upsampling_kernel_size=4 --static_upsampling_kernel
cat ./frame_000/archi.txt

| module                                  | #parameters or shape   | #flops    |
| model                                   | 0.525M                 | 0.309G    |
|  upsampling.upsampling_layer            |  16                    |  12.3M    |
|   upsampling.upsampling_layer.weight    |   (1, 1, 4, 4)         |           |

# Learnable 8x8 kernel
(venv) python src/ --input=kodim01.png --upsampling_kernel_size=8
cat ./frame_000/archi.txt

| module                                  | #parameters or shape   | #flops    |
| model                                   | 0.526M                 | 0.901G    |
|  upsampling.upsampling_layer            |  64                    |  50.909M  |
|   upsampling.upsampling_layer.weight    |   (1, 1, 8, 8)         |           |


The initialization of the upsampling kernel changes with its size. For kernel of size 4 and 6 it is initialized with a bilinear kernel (zero padded if needed). For size 8 and above, it is initialized with a bicubic kernel (zero padded if needed).


The synthesis transform is a convolutive network mapping the dense latent input [C, H, W] to a X, H, W output. The number of output feature X depends on the type of frame:

  • I (intra) frames have X = 3 output channels e.g. RGB or YUV. This is the case for still image compression and the first frame of a GOP

  • P frames have X = 6 output channels: 3 for the residue, 2 for one motion field and 1 for the \(\alpha\) parameter

  • B frames have X = 9 output channels: 3 for the residue, 4 for two motion fields, 1 for the \(\alpha\) parameter and 1 for the \(\beta\) parameter.

The synthesis is tuned by a single parameter --layers_synthesis=<layer1>,<layer2> which describes all layers, separated by comas. Each layer is decomposed as follows:

  • output_dim is the number of output features. Set the last layer(s) to X to be automatically replaced by the appropriate value according to the frame type.

  • kernel_size is the size of the convolution kernel

  • type is either linear (normal convolution) or residual (convolution + skip connexion)

  • non_linearity can be relu, leakyrelu, gelu or none


The number of input features for each layer is automatically inferred from the previous one or from the number of latent features.

Using a 512x768 image from the Kodak dataset and 7 input features as an exemple:

(venv) python src/ --input=kodim01.png --n_ft_per_res=1,1,1,1,1,1,1 --layers_synthesis=40-1-linear-relu,3-1-linear-relu,X-3-residual-relu,X-3-residual-none

cat ./frame_000/archi.txt

| module                                  | #parameters or shape   | #flops    |
| model                                   | 0.526M                 | 0.901G    |
|  synthesis.layers                       |  0.611K                |  0.221G   |
|   synthesis.layers.0.conv_layer         |   0.32K                |   0.11G   |
|    synthesis.layers.0.conv_layer.weight |    (40, 7, 1, 1)       |           |
|    synthesis.layers.0.conv_layer.bias   |    (40,)               |           |
|   synthesis.layers.1.conv_layer         |   0.123K               |   47.186M |
|    synthesis.layers.1.conv_layer.weight |    (3, 40, 1, 1)       |           |
|    synthesis.layers.1.conv_layer.bias   |    (3,)                |           |
|   synthesis.layers.2.conv_layer         |   84                   |   31.85M  |
|    synthesis.layers.2.conv_layer.weight |    (3, 3, 3, 3)        |           |
|    synthesis.layers.2.conv_layer.bias   |    (3,)                |           |
|   synthesis.layers.3.conv_layer         |   84                   |   31.85M  |
|    synthesis.layers.3.conv_layer.weight |    (3, 3, 3, 3)        |           |
|    synthesis.layers.3.conv_layer.bias   |    (3,)                |           |