
Installing necessary packages


The setup requires python >= 3.10. It is presented here with Python 3.10 but should work with more recent versions.

The first step is to install some necessary packages and to clone Cool-chic. We need to install python3.10-dev to compile and bind the Cool-chic C API.

# We need to get g++, python3.10-dev and pip to compile the Cool-chic
# C API and bind it to python.
~$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa && sudo apt update
~$ sudo apt install -y build-essential python3.10-dev pip g++
~$ git clone https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/Cool-Chic.git && cd Cool-Chic

You should create a virtual environment when installing Cool-chic

~/Cool-Chic$ python3.10 -m pip install virtualenv                          # Install virtual env if needed
~/Cool-Chic$ python3.10 -m virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate     # Create and activate a virtual env named "venv"

Cool-chic can then be installed through pip, which retrieves the required package (torch etc.) and compiles the Cool-chic C API.

(venv) ~/Cool-Chic/$ pip install -e .

Sanity check

A simple sanity check script is provided. It performs a very fast encoding of different image and video formats, write a bitstream and decode it.

(venv) ~/Cool-Chic$ python -m test.sanity_check

You’re good to go!