

contains the core API to use OCast


Driver Manage the connection to a device module and the communication with its browser  
Driver.BrowserListener Callback to notify that the remote browser sent data  
Driver.DriverListener Callback invoked when a failure occured in the Driver  
Driver.Factory Factory to create a Driver  
DriverEvent Interface DriverEvent describes an event notified on the link  
Link Interface Link is implemented by driver libraries to provide a network link with the device  
Link.LinkListener Listener interface to be notified of event happening on the Link  
PrivateSettings Interface PublicSettings is implemented by driver libraries to provide access to private settings configuration  
PublicSettings Interface PublicSettings is implemented by driver libraries to provide access to public settings configuration  
Reply Interface representing a Reply from the remote devices  


ApplicationController Provides means to control the web application. 
Browser Class managing communication with the remote browser  
CallbackThreadHandler A class handling callback invocations according to a CallbackWrapper that will dispatch the task on a specific thread. 
DataStream Used for custom messaging. 
Device Represents an OCast device  
DeviceManager Device manager is used to get control over your device. 
LinkProfile Describes properties of a Link These properties are : - an app to app URL that will be used to setup the underlying channel - a hostname, for cases where the URL is not known by the upper layers - an SSLConfig to setup SSL channel  
LinkProfile.Builder Builder class to construct new instances  
LogTag Helper to initialize log tags according to the SDK structure  
SimpleWrapper A simple CallbackWrapper that is simply a passthrough wrapper  
SSLConfig Define specific rules regarding SSL configuration for your device connections  
VersionInfo Provides information related to the device version  


DialError Enumerates the different errors related to Dial  
Driver.Module Internal module accessible within the device  
