
The DatalogCert Library CNRS & Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay Copyright 2016-2019 : FormalData Original authors: Véronique Benzaken Évelyne Contejean Stefania Dumbrava
This is the first part of the original file "pengine.v" with some modifications

Require Import bigop_aux.
Require Import utils.
Require Import finseqs.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Standard Datalog in Coq

We define the *syntax* and *model-theoretic semantics*, as well as a bottom-up fixpoint evaluation engine, for standard Datalog. The syntactic primitives of the language are terms (constants or variables), atoms, clauses and programs. Semantically, *interpretations* (ground atom sets) are the main building blocks. The bottom-up engine iteratively extends an initial seed substitution into one that matches all clause body atoms to an existing interpretations (candidate model) and provably grounds the corresponding clause head, i.e, instantiates all of its variables. To ease the proof-engineering effort, we distinguish between ground and non-ground constructs. As such, we define corresponding separate types, both for the language primitives and for substitutions (we call grounding substitutions "groundings").
maximal number of program variables
Parameter n : nat.

program signature: constants and symbols as finite types and arities as finitely-supported functions
Parameter constype : finType.
Parameter symtype : finType.
Parameter arity : {ffun symtype nat}.

Hypothesis added for the development

max size for rule bodies
Parameter bn : nat.

Predicate kinds

Kind of a predicate. A predicate is either extensional or intensional
Inductive pred_type := Edb | Idb.

Decidable equality on pred kind
Definition pred_type_eq (x y : pred_type) := match x,y with
  | Edb,Edb | Idb,Idbtrue
  | _,_false end.

pred_type_eq is an equality
From which we derive an Equality mixin
Definition pred_type_eqMixin := EqMixin pred_type_eq_axiom.

Canonical pred_type_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType pred_type pred_type_eqMixin.

Predicate symbols have a kind


A constant
Inductive constant := C of constype.
Extract the value of a constant
Definition of_constant c := let: C c := c in c.

instances for the type of constants
Canonical cons_subType := Eval hnf in [newType for of_constant].
Canonical cons_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType _ [eqMixin of constant by <: ].
Canonical cons_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType _ [choiceMixin of constant by <:].
Canonical cons_countType := Eval hnf in CountType _ [countMixin of constant by <:].
Canonical cons_subCountType := Eval hnf in [subCountType of constant].
Canonical cons_finType := Eval hnf in FinType _ [finMixin of constant by <:].
Canonical cons_subFinType := Eval hnf in [subFinType of constant].
Canonical cons_optionFinType := option_finType cons_finType.

Coercion opt_constant (c : option constant) : (option_finType cons_finType) := c.

Ground raw atoms

"raw" ground atoms pack a symbol and an argument list of constants
Inductive raw_gatom := RawGAtom of symtype & seq constant.

extractors for the corresponding symbols and arguments of a "raw" ground atom
Definition sym_gatom ga := let: RawGAtom s_ga _ := ga in s_ga.
Definition arg_gatom ga := let: RawGAtom _ arg_ga := ga in arg_ga.

Lemma gatom_eta ga : ga = RawGAtom (sym_gatom ga) (arg_gatom ga).

Ground Atom Instances

Ground raw atoms are a finite type
packing and unpacking of a "raw" ground atom; needed for the canonical inference of its instances
Definition raw_gatom_rep l := let: RawGAtom s a := l in (s, a).
Definition raw_gatom_pre l := let: (s, a) := l in RawGAtom s a.

cancelation lemma for "raw" ground atoms
"raw" ground atom instances
Canonical raw_gatom_eqType :=
  Eval hnf in EqType raw_gatom (CanEqMixin raw_gatom_repK).

Canonical raw_gatom_choiceType :=
  Eval hnf in ChoiceType raw_gatom (CanChoiceMixin raw_gatom_repK).

Canonical raw_gatom_countType :=
  Eval hnf in CountType raw_gatom (CanCountMixin raw_gatom_repK).

End RawGAtomInstances.

Ground Atoms:

A ground atom gatom packs a "raw" ground atom and a boolean well-formedness condition
ground atom well-formedness condition: argument size and symbol arity have to match
Definition wf_gatom ga := size (arg_gatom ga) == arity (sym_gatom ga).

ground atom record
Structure gatom : Type := GAtom {uga :> raw_gatom; _ : wf_gatom uga}.

ground atom instances
Canonical gatom_subType := Eval hnf in [subType for uga].
Canonical gatom_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType _ [eqMixin of gatom by <:].
Canonical gatom_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType _ [choiceMixin of gatom by <:].
Canonical gatom_countType := Eval hnf in CountType _ [countMixin of gatom by <:].
Canonical gatom_subCountType := Eval hnf in [subCountType of gatom].

Gives back the arguments of the atom as a tuple of the right length using the well formedness constraint
Definition arg_wf_gatom (a : gatom) : ((arity (sym_gatom a)).-tuple constant).

Given an i smaller than the arity gives back the ith argument
Definition nth_cons (a : gatom) (i : 'I_(arity (sym_gatom a))) : constant :=
  tnth (arg_wf_gatom a) i.

maximal symbol arity
Notation max_ar := (\max_(s in symtype) arity s).

Lemma max_ar_bound y : arity y < max_ar.+1.

Ground atoms are a finite type (uses the max arity)
Section GatomFinType.

corresponding finite type for ground atoms, packing a symbol type and a tuple of constants of length bounded by the maximal symbol arity
injecting a ground atom ga into its corresponding finite type encoding gatom_enc
Definition gatom_fenc (ga : gatom) : gatom_enc :=
  let: GAtom ga proof := ga in

  existT _ (Ordinal (max_ar_bound (sym_gatom ga))) (sym_gatom ga, Tuple proof).

conversely converting a ground atom finite type encoding gatom_enc into a ground atom gatom
Definition fenc_gatom (e : gatom_enc): option gatom.
partial cancelation lemma for ground atoms
canonical instances for ground atoms
Canonical gatom_finType := Eval hnf in FinType gatom (PcanFinMixin fenc_gatomK).
Canonical gatom_subFinType := [subFinType of gatom].

We can access the ith argument of a gatom with predicate whose arity is greater than i

Ground Clauses:

A ground clause gclause packs a ground atom head and a body list of ground atoms *Important:* Our definition differs from the original one to keep a bound on the size of bodies
head and body extractors for ground clauses
Definition head_gcl gcl := let: GClause h b := gcl in h.
Definition body_gcl gcl := let: GClause h b := gcl in b.

Canonical instances for ground clauses (Added)

Boolean equality on clauses
Definition gclause_eq gcl1 gcl2 := match gcl1,gcl2 with
  | GClause h1 l1, GClause h2 l2(h1 == h2) && (l1 == l2) end.

Lemma gclause_eq_refl gcl : gclause_eq gcl gcl.

This is indeed an equality for clauses
Definition of the equality type
Canonical gclause_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType _ gclause_eqMixin.

Projection of the clause to a pair head, body list
Definition gclause_rep cl := let: GClause hd bd := cl in (hd, bd).
Definition gclause_pre cl := let: (hd, bd) := cl in GClause hd bd.

Lemma gclause_repK : cancel gclause_rep gclause_pre.

Canonical gclause_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType gclause (CanChoiceMixin gclause_repK).
Canonical gclause_countType := Eval hnf in CountType gclause (CanCountMixin gclause_repK).
Canonical gclause_finType := Eval hnf in FinType gclause (CanFinMixin gclause_repK).


interpretations are finite sets of ground atoms
Notation interp := {set gatom}.

Implicit Types (i m : interp) (gcl : gclause).

set of all symbols of a given interpretation
Definition sym_i (i : interp) := [set sym_gatom (uga ga) | ga in i].

satisfiability of a ground clause gcl w.r.t a given interpretation i: if all body atoms belong to i, the head should also belong to i
Definition gcl_true gcl i :=
  all (mem i) (body_gcl gcl) ==> (head_gcl gcl \in i).


Terms are either
  • variables, i.e, integers bound by a maximal (computable) index n
    • to which we assign the finite ordinal type 'I_n
  • constants to which we assign the finite constype
Inductive term : Type :=
  | Var of 'I_n
  | Val of constant.

Injection of constants in terms
Definition term_of_cons (c : constant) : term := Val c.

corresponding sigma type encoding for terms; needed for canonical instance inference
Notation termRep := ('I_n + constant)%type.

injecting a term t into its termRep encoding
Definition term_rep (t : term) : termRep :=
  match t with
  | Var iinl i
  | Val cinr c

converting a termRep encoding into the corresponding term type
Definition term_con (r : termRep) : term :=
  match r with
  | inl iVar i
  | inr cVal c

cancelation lemma for terms
canonical instances for terms
Canonical term_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType term (CanEqMixin term_repK).
Canonical term_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType term (CanChoiceMixin term_repK).

Canonical term_countType := Eval hnf in CountType term (CanCountMixin term_repK).
Canonical term_finType := Eval hnf in FinType term (CanFinMixin term_repK).

Raw atoms

Atoms are represented as records packing:
  • a base type raw_atom
    • which pairs a symbol with its term list argument
  • a boolean well-formedness condition wf_atom
    • which ensures symbol arity and argument size agree
Inductive raw_atom : Type := RawAtom of symtype & seq term.

Inject raw ground atoms in raw atoms
Definition to_raw_atom gra :=
  RawAtom (sym_gatom gra) [seq Val x | x <- arg_gatom gra].

Section RawAtomInstances.

packing and unpacking of raw atoms
Definition raw_atom_rep l := let: RawAtom s a := l in (s, a).
Definition raw_atom_pre l := let: (s, a) := l in RawAtom s a.

cancelation lemma for raw atoms
canonical instances for raw atoms
Canonical raw_atom_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType raw_atom (CanEqMixin raw_atom_repK).
Canonical raw_atom_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType raw_atom (CanChoiceMixin raw_atom_repK).

Canonical raw_atom_countType :=
  Eval hnf in CountType raw_atom (@CanCountMixin (prod_countType symtype (seq_countType term_finType)) _ _ _ raw_atom_repK).

End RawAtomInstances.

extractors for the corresponding symbols and arguments of an atom
Definition sym_atom a := let: RawAtom s_a _ := a in s_a.
Definition arg_atom a := let: RawAtom _ arg_a := a in arg_a.


atom well-formedness condition: argument size and symbol arity must match
Definition wf_atom a := size (arg_atom a) == arity (sym_atom a).

Atoms are records packing a "raw" atom and a corresponding boolean well-formedness condition

Structure atom : Type := Atom {ua :> raw_atom; _ : wf_atom ua}.

A few useful lemmas and auxiliary functions

Preservation of well formedness by the translation to raw atom
Translates ground atom to atom using lemma above
Definition to_atom ga := Atom (to_atom_proof ga).

Extract the args as a tuple from an atom
Definition arg_wf_atom (a : atom) : ((arity (sym_atom a)).-tuple term).

Given an atom and i smaller than the arity, gets the ith arg
Definition nth_term (a : atom) (i : 'I_(arity (sym_atom a))) : term :=
  tnth (arg_wf_atom a) i.

Given a predicate and a ground atom having this pred, access one argument of this ground atom (using dependent type on arity)
Definition nth_cons_rew_dep pred (ga : {x : gatom | sym_gatom x == pred}) (i : 'I_(arity pred)) : constant.

We can access the ith argument of an atom with predicate whose arity is greater than i
atom instances
Canonical atom_subType := Eval hnf in [subType for ua].
Canonical atom_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType _ [eqMixin of atom by <: ].
Canonical atom_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType _ [choiceMixin of atom by <:].

Canonical atom_countType := Eval hnf in CountType _ [countMixin of atom by <:].

Atoms are a finite type

Section AtomFinType.

We use as represention the triple with
  • number of arguments (smaller than max_r)
  • symbol
  • |args|-tuples of terms
We can inject atom in this encoding
Definition atom_fenc (a : atom) : atom_enc :=
  let: Atom a proof := a in
  existT _ (Ordinal (max_ar_bound (sym_atom a))) (sym_atom a, Tuple proof).

We can invert this encoding as long as we respect arity
Definition fenc_atom (e : atom_enc): option atom.

This is a true injection
Lemma fenc_atomK : pcancel atom_fenc fenc_atom.

End AtomFinType.
Canonical atom_finType := Eval hnf in FinType atom (PcanFinMixin fenc_atomK).
Canonical atom_subFinType := [subFinType of atom].

Clauses and programs

A list of size at most n of atoms (for the body)
A clause pack an atom head and a list of at most size n of atoms. Our definition differs from the original one
Inductive clause : Type := Clause of atom & tail.

Section ClauseInstances.

packing and unpacking of clauses
Definition clause_rep cl := let: Clause hd bd := cl in (hd, bd).
Definition clause_pre cl := let: (hd, bd) := cl in Clause hd bd.

cancelation lemma for clauses
clause instances
Canonical clause_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType clause (CanEqMixin clause_repK).
Canonical clause_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType clause (CanChoiceMixin clause_repK).

Added instances using the bound on the size of the body
Canonical clause_countType := Eval hnf in CountType clause (CanCountMixin clause_repK).
Canonical clause_finType := Eval hnf in FinType clause (CanFinMixin clause_repK).

End ClauseInstances.

Programs are clause lists.

Definition program := seq clause.

extractors for the corresponding head, body and atoms of a clause
Definition head_cl cl := let: Clause h b := cl in h.
Definition body_cl cl := let: Clause h b := cl in b.
Definition atoms_cl cl := [:: head_cl cl & body_cl cl].

clause head symbols
Definition hsym_cl cl := sym_atom (head_cl cl).

all clause symbols
Definition sym_cl cl := [seq sym_atom (val a) | a <- atoms_cl cl].

all head symbols of a program
Definition hsym_prog p := [seq hsym_cl cl | cl <- p].

all program symbols
Definition sym_prog p := flatten [seq sym_cl cl | cl <- p].

all program atoms
Definition atoms_prog p := flatten [seq atoms_cl cl | cl <- p].


Section Grounding.

Ground valuations and their application

type of groundings: finitely-supported functions mapping variables to constants
Definition gr := finfun_finType (ordinal_finType n) cons_finType.

Implicit Types (g : gr) (t : term) (ra : raw_atom) (a : atom)
               (cl : clause) (hd : atom) (tl : seq atom).

term grounding
Definition gr_term g t :=
  match t with
  | Var vg v
  | Val cc

raw atom grounding
Definition gr_raw_atom g ra :=
  RawGAtom (sym_atom ra) [seq gr_term g x | x <- arg_atom ra].

the grounding of a well-formed ground atom is well-formed
Definition gr_atom_proof g a : wf_gatom (gr_raw_atom g a).

atom grounding
Definition gr_atom g a := GAtom (gr_atom_proof g a).

Grounding on a list of atoms
Definition gr_tl g (tl : seq atom) :=
  map (gr_atom g) tl.

clause grounding
Definition gr_cl g cl :=
  GClause (gr_atom g (head_cl cl)) (wmap (gr_atom g) (body_cl cl)).

End Grounding.

Section Theory.

Collecting Constants

Section Constants.

Extract constant from term (as a list of at most one element)
Definition const_term t : seq constant :=
  if t is Val e then [:: e] else [::].

atom constants
atom list constants
Definition const_tail (tl : seq atom) : seq constant :=
  flatten [seq const_atom (val x) | x <- tl].

clause constants
Definition const_cl cl : seq constant :=
  const_tail [:: head_cl cl & body_cl cl].

End Constants.

Collecting Variables

Section Variables.

term variables
Definition term_vars t : {set 'I_n} := if t is Var v then [set v] else set0.

"raw" atom variables
atom variables
Definition atom_vars (a : atom) : {set 'I_n} := raw_atom_vars a.

atom list variables
Definition tail_vars tl : {set 'I_n} := \bigcup_(t <- tl) atom_vars t.

Extract variables from a clauses (as a set)
if x in the variables of tl, then x is also a var of a:: tl
if x is a variable of a it is a variable of a:: tl
If v is in the vars of a raw atom, adding a new term to the list of arguments does not change this fact (note raw atoms are untyped)
Lemma raw_atom_vars_cons v fa args h : v \in raw_atom_vars (RawAtom fa args)
                                 v \in raw_atom_vars (RawAtom fa (h::args)).

If a var is in an atom and the atom in a body (list of atom), then the var is in the body
The vars of an empty body is the empty set

Program Safety Condition

clause safety: all head variables should appear among the body variables
Definition safe_cl cl :=
  atom_vars (head_cl cl) \subset tail_vars (body_cl cl).

program safety: all clauses should be safe
Definition prog_safe p := all safe_cl p.

Safety of deduced facts (in the IDB) - added

A clause has a safe head if its head predicate is of kind IDB
Definition safe_cl_hd cl :=
  predtype (hsym_cl cl) == Idb.

Definition prog_safe_hds p := all safe_cl_hd p.

An interpretation is a "safe edb" if all its atoms have symbols of type edb
Definition safe_edb i := [ ga in i, predtype (sym_gatom ga) == Edb].

End Variables.

No sharing of variables between clauses - added

Clauses sharing variables
Constraint on P: clauses sharing variables in a program would mean they are equals
Definition vars_not_shared (p : program) : bool :=
  [ cl1 in p, cl2 in p,
    (clauses_var_intersect cl1 cl2) ==> (cl1 == cl2)].

If the constraint vars_not_shared is fullfilled on P and if we have a variable v that is in both cl1 and cl2 clauses of P, then cl1 and cl2 are the same clause.
Lemma vns_cl_eq (p : program) (cl1 cl2 : clause) (v : 'I_n) :
  v \in (tail_vars (body_cl cl1)) v \in (tail_vars (body_cl cl2))
  cl1 \in p cl2 \in p vars_not_shared p cl1 = cl2.

Definition is_var (t : term) :=
  match t with
    Val _false
  | Var _true end.

Definition only_variables_atom (a : atom) :=
  all is_var (arg_atom a).

Definition only_variables_head (cl : clause) :=
  only_variables_atom (head_cl cl).

Definition only_variables_in_heads (p : program) :=
  all only_variables_head p.

Program Satisfiability

a clause c is satisfied by an interpretation i, if for all groundings g its corresponding instantiation is satisfied by i
Definition cl_true cl i := g : gr, gcl_true (gr_cl g cl) i.

A program is true in i, if all grounding of its clauses are true
Definition prog_true p i :=
   g : gr, all (fun clgcl_true (gr_cl g cl) i) p.

End Theory.