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Casskop 0.5.1 - Dynamic sidecars and storage configuration feature

Alexandre Guitton

Alexandre Guitton

Alexandre Guitton

In a previous post, I was talking about how Setting up Cassandra Multi-Site on Google Kubernetes Engine with Casskop. Since then, two new versions 0.5.1 and 0.5.2 had been released. In another post, Cyril Scetbon focused on the New Probes feature which was added with the [PR #184Ø(https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/casskop/pull/184), in this post I will focus on the dynamic sidecars and storage configurations added to the operator, which give more flexibility to users to configure their Cassandra cluster deployments.


During our production migration from bare metal Cassandra Cluster to Kubernetes, the main challenge was to perform the smoothest transition for our OPS teams, allowing them to reuse their homemade tools, to facilitate the cluster operationalization. However, the operator in this previous form did not leave much room for tuning statefulset and therefore the Cassandra Cluster deployed. You could use the bootstrap image to customize your cassandra node configuration, but not for the tools revolving around. That is why we added to the CassandraCluster the possibility to define containers into the pod in addition to the cassandra ones, these are the sidecars, and to configure extract storage for the pods (ie VolumeClaimTemplates to the Statefulset configuration).

Dynamics sidecars configurations#

To keep the container’s best practices and address our OPS needs, we added the ability to define a dynamic list of containers into a CassandraCluster.Spec resource definition: cassandracluster_types.go#L803.

- args: ["tail", "-F", "/var/log/cassandra/system.log"]
image: ez123/alpine-tini
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: cassandra-log
cpu: 50m
memory: 50Mi
cpu: 10m
memory: 10Mi
- mountPath: /var/log/cassandra
name: cassandra-logs
- args: ["tail", "-F", "/var/log/cassandra/gc.log.0.current"]
image: ez123/alpine-tini
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: gc-log
cpu: 50m
memory: 50Mi
cpu: 10m
memory: 10Mi
- mountPath: /var/log/cassandra
name: gc-logs

These sidecars are classic kubernetes container resources, leaving you the full power on what you want to do. With this example, we add two simple sidecars allowing to distinguish cassandra and GC logs in two different stdout.


with this feature you can do everything you want, and obviously some bad things. This feature is not here to make a Cassandra Cluster works, the operator has everything for this, but to allow you to simplify some add-ons usage around Cassandra.

Sidecars : environment variables#

All sidecars added with this configuration will have, at the container init, some of the environment variables from cassandra container merged with those defined into the sidecar container


Storage configuration#

In the previous version, the only option about storage was the data volume configuration allowing you to define :

  • dataCapacity: Defines the size of the persistent volume claim, for example, "1000Gi".
  • dataStorageClass: Defines the type of storage to use (or use default one). We recommend to use local-storage for better performances but it can be any storage with high ssd throughput.

The dynamic sidecar doesn’t really suit, unless you put everything in one folder.

Spoiler alert

It’s not a good idea

That is why we add the CassandraCluster.Spec.StorageConfig field, to the CassandraCluster resource definition :

- mountPath: "/var/lib/cassandra/log"
name: "gc-logs"
- ReadWriteOnce
storageClassName: local-storage
storage: 5Gi
- mountPath: "/var/log/cassandra"
name: "cassandra-logs"
- ReadWriteOnce
storageClassName: local-storage
storage: 10Gi

storageConfigs : Defines the list of storage config object, which will instantiate Persitence Volume Claim and associate volume to pod of cassandra node.

  • mountPath: Defines the path into cassandra container where the volume will be mounted.
  • name: Used to define the PVC and VolumeMount names.
  • pvcSpec: pvcSpec describes the PVC used for the mountPath described above, it requires a kubernetes PVC spec.

In this example, we add the two volumes required by our sidecars previously configured, to be able via the sidecars to access to the logs that we want to expose on the stdout.

Volume Claim Template and statefulset#

Keep in mind that Casskop operator works on Statefulset, but have some constraints such as :

updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden.

So if you want to add or remove some storages configurations, today you have to perform manually it, by removing the Statefulset, which will be recreated by the operator.


It’s not a sake operation, and should be performed carefully, because you will loose a rack. Maybe in some releases we will manage it, but today we assume that this operation is an exceptional one.

CassKop is open source so don’t hesitate to try it out, contribute by first trying to fix a discovered issue and let’s enhance it together!

In a next post, I will speak about the IP management into Casskop, and the cross IPs issue, so stay connected !

Multi-Casskop on Google Kubernetes Engine

Alexandre Guitton

Alexandre Guitton

Alexandre Guitton


User should need :

  • terraform version v0.12.7+
  • kubectl version v1.13.3+
  • kubectx & kubens
  • Helm version v2.15.1+
  • gcloud sdk version 272.0.0+
  • A service account with enough rights (for this example : editor)
  • Having a DNS zone in google cloud dns.

Setup GCP environment#

To setup the GCP environment we will use terraform provisionning, to instantiate the following infrastructure :

  • 2 GKE clusters :
    • First on europe-west1-b which will be the master
    • Second on europe-west1-c which will be the slave
  • Firewall rules to allow clusters to communicate
  • External DNS on each cluster to expose cassandra nodes
  • Casskop operator on each cluster to focus on multi-casskop usage

Environment setup#

Start to set variables needed for the instantiation :

$ export CASSKOP_WORKSPACE=<path to cassandra-k8s-operateur project>
$ export PROJECT=<gcp project>
$ export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH=<path to service account key>
$ export NAMESPACE=cassandra-demo
$ export DNS_ZONE_NAME=external-dns-test-gcp-trycatchlearn-fr # -> change with your own one
$ export DNS_NAME=external-dns-test.gcp.trycatchlearn.fr # -> change with your own one
$ export MANAGED_ZONE=tracking-pdb # -> change with your own one

Setup base infrastructure#

$ cd ${CASSKOP_WORKSPACE}/multi-casskop/config/samples/gke/terraform
$ terraform init

Master provisionning#

MultiCasskop architecture

With the master provisionning, we will deploy firewall and Cloud dns configuration :

$ terraform workspace new master
$ terraform workspace select master
$ terraform apply \
-var-file="env/master.tfvars" \
-var="service_account_json_file=${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH}" \
-var="namespace=${NAMESPACE}" \
-var="project=${PROJECT}" \
-var="dns_zone_name=${DNS_ZONE_NAME}" \
-var="dns_name=${DNS_NAME}" \

Slave provisionning#

$ terraform workspace new slave
$ terraform workspace select slave
$ terraform apply \
-var-file="env/slave.tfvars" \
-var="service_account_json_file=${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH}" \
-var="namespace=${NAMESPACE}" \
-var="project=${PROJECT}" \
-var="dns_zone_name=${DNS_ZONE_NAME}" \
-var="dns_name=${DNS_NAME}" \

Check installation#

Check master configuration#

Now we will check that everything is well deployed in the GKE master cluster :

$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials cassandra-europe-west1-b-master --zone europe-west1-b --project ${PROJECT}
$ kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE}
casskop-cassandra-operator-54c4cfcbcb-b4qxq 1/1 Running 0 4h9m
external-dns-6dd96c985-h76gh 1/1 Running 0 4h16m

Check slave configuration#

Now we will check that everything is well deployed in the GKE slave cluster :

$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials cassandra-europe-west1-c-slave --zone europe-west1-c --project ${PROJECT}
$ kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE}
casskop-cassandra-operator-54c4cfcbcb-sxjz7 1/1 Running 0 4m56s
external-dns-7f947c5b5b-mq7kg 1/1 Running 0 5m46s

Check DNS zone configuration#

Make a note of the nameservers that were assigned to your new zone :

$ gcloud dns record-sets list \
--zone "${DNS_ZONE_NAME}" \
--name "${DNS_NAME}." \
--type NS
external-dns-test.gcp.trycatchlearn.fr. NS 21600 ns-cloud-e1.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-e2.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-e3.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-e4.googledomains.com.

Check Firewall configuration#

@TODO : rework firewall source

$ gcloud compute firewall-rules describe gke-cassandra-cluster
- IPProtocol: udp
- IPProtocol: tcp
creationTimestamp: '2019-12-05T13:31:01.233-08:00'
description: ''
direction: INGRESS
disabled: false
id: '8270840333953452538'
kind: compute#firewall
enable: false
name: gke-cassandra-cluster
network: https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/poc-rtc/global/networks/default
priority: 1000
selfLink: https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/poc-rtc/global/firewalls/gke-cassandra-cluster
- cassandra-cluster

Check Storage Class#

$ kubectl get storageclasses.storage.k8s.io
standard (default) kubernetes.io/gce-pd 28m
standard-wait kubernetes.io/gce-pd 24m

Multi casskop deployment#

Bootstrap API access to Slave from Master#

Multi-Casskop will be deployed in master cluster, change your kubectl context to point this cluster.

In order to allow Multi-CassKop controller to have access to slave from master, we are going to use kubemcsa from admiralty to be able to export secret from slave to master.

Install kubemcsa :

$ export RELEASE_VERSION=v0.6.1
$ wget https://github.com/admiraltyio/multicluster-service-account/releases/download/${RELEASE_VERSION}/kubemcsa-linux-amd64
$ mkdir -p ~/tools/kubemcsa/${RELEASE_VERSION} && mv kubemcsa-linux-amd64 tools/kubemcsa/${RELEASE_VERSION}/kubemcsa
$ chmod +x ~/tools/kubemcsa/${RELEASE_VERSION}/kubemcsa
$ sudo ln -sfn ~/tools/kubemcsa/${RELEASE_VERSION}/kubemcsa /usr/local/bin/kubemcsa

Generate secret for master :

$ kubectx # Switch context on master cluster
Switched to context "gke_<Project name>_europe-west1-b_cassandra-europe-west1-b-master".
$ kubens # Switch context on correct namespace
Context "gke_<Project name>_europe-west1-b_cassandra-europe-west1-b-master" modified.
Active namespace is "<Namespace>".
$ kubemcsa export --context=gke_poc-rtc_europe-west1-c_cassandra-europe-west1-c-slave --namespace ${NAMESPACE} cassandra-operator --as gke-slave-west1-c | kubectl apply -f -
secret/gke-slave-west1-c created

Check that the secret is correctly created

$ kubectl get secrets -n ${NAMESPACE}
gke-slave-west1-c Opaque 5 28s

Install Multi-CassKop#

@TODO : To correct once the watch object will be fixed

Add MultiCasskop crd on the slave cluster :

$ kubectx # Switch context on slave cluster
Switched to context "gke_<Project name>_europe-west1-c_cassandra-europe-west1-c-slave".
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Orange-OpenSource/casskop/master/multi-casskop/config/crd/bases/multicluster_v2_cassandramulticluster_crd.yaml

Deployment with Helm :

$ kubectx # Switch context on master cluster
Switched to context "gke_<Project name>_europe-west1-b_cassandra-europe-west1-b-master".
$ helm init --client-only
$ helm repo add orange-incubator https://orange-kubernetes-charts-incubator.storage.googleapis.com
$ helm repo update
$ helm install --name multi-casskop orange-incubator/multi-casskop --set k8s.local=gke-master-west1-b --set k8s.remote={gke-slave-west1-c} #--no-hooks if crd already install

Create the MultiCasskop CRD#

Now we are ready to deploy a MultiCassKop CRD instance. We will use the example in multi-casskop/config/samples/gke/multi-casskop-gke.yaml :

$ kubectl apply -f multi-casskop/config/samples/gke/multi-casskop-gke.yaml

Check multi cluster installation#

We can see that each cluster has the required pods :

$ kubectx # Switch context on master cluster
Switched to context "gke_<Project name>_europe-west1-b_cassandra-europe-west1-b-master".
$ kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE}
cassandra-demo-dc1-rack1-0 1/1 Running 0 8m30s
casskop-cassandra-operator-54c4cfcbcb-8qncr 1/1 Running 0 34m
external-dns-6dd96c985-7jf6w 1/1 Running 0 35m
multi-casskop-67dc74dff7-z4642 1/1 Running 0 11m
$ kubectx # Switch context on slave cluster
Switched to context "gke_<Project name>_europe-west1-c_cassandra-europe-west1-c-slave".
$ kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE}
cassandra-demo-dc3-rack3-0 1/1 Running 0 6m55s
cassandra-demo-dc4-rack4-0 1/1 Running 0 4m59s
cassandra-demo-dc4-rack4-1 1/1 Running 0 3m20s
casskop-cassandra-operator-54c4cfcbcb-sxjz7 1/1 Running 0 71m
external-dns-7f947c5b5b-mq7kg 1/1 Running 0 72m

If we go in one of the created pods, we can see that nodetool see pods of both clusters :

$ kubectx # Switch context on master cluster
Switched to context "gke_<Project name>_europe-west1-b_cassandra-europe-west1-b-master".
$ kubectl exec -ti cassandra-demo-dc1-rack1-0 nodetool status
Datacenter: dc1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 108.62 KiB 256 49.2% a0958905-e1fa-4410-baca-fc86f4457f1a rack1
Datacenter: dc3
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 74.95 KiB 256 51.5% 03f8eede-4b69-43be-a0c1-73f73470398b rack3
Datacenter: dc4
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 107.87 KiB 256 47.8% 1a7432e2-4ca8-4767-acdb-3b40e6ff4a57 rack4
UN 107.85 KiB 256 51.6% 272037ce-4146-42c1-9079-ef4561249254 rack4

Clean up everything#

If you have set the deleteCassandraCluster to true, then when deleting the MultiCassKop object, it will cascade the deletion of the CassandraCluster object in the targeted k8s clusters. Then each local CassKop will delete their Cassandra clusters (else skip this step)

$ kubectl delete multicasskops.db.orange.com multi-casskop-demo
$ helm del --purge multi-casskop

Cleaning slave cluster#

$ cd ${CASSKOP_WORKSPACE}/multi-casskop/config/samples/gke/terraform
$ terraform workspace select slave
$ terraform destroy \
-var-file="env/slave.tfvars" \
-var="service_account_json_file=${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH}" \
-var="namespace=${NAMESPACE}" \
-var="project=${PROJECT}" \
-var="dns_zone_name=${DNS_ZONE_NAME}" \
-var="dns_name=${DNS_NAME}" \

Cleaning master cluster#

Before running the following command, you need to clean dns records set.

$ terraform workspace select master
$ terraform destroy \
-var-file="env/master.tfvars" \
-var="service_account_json_file=${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH}" \
-var="namespace=${NAMESPACE}" \
-var="project=${PROJECT}" \
-var="dns_zone_name=${DNS_ZONE_NAME}" \
-var="dns_name=${DNS_NAME}" \