Require Import syntax.
Require Import bigop_aux.
Require Import utils.
Require Import finseqs.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Atom occurrence
occ is a pair representing a position in a program. (occ x y) is the yth atom in the body of the xth clause of the programTerm occurrence
a term occurrence is a triple made of a clause position in the program, atom position in the body of the clause and term position in the atom
Type for the representation of t_occ
Definition tocc_countprod := prod_countType (prod_countType (ordinal_countType (size p)) (ordinal_countType bn)) (ordinal_countType max_ar).
Representation and cancellation lemma for t_occ
Definition t_occ_rep (a : t_occ) : tocc_countprod :=
let: T_occ b c d := a in (b,c,d).
Definition t_occ_pre (a : tocc_countprod) :=
let: (b,c,d) := a in T_occ b c d.
Lemma prod_of_t_occK : cancel t_occ_rep t_occ_pre.
let: T_occ b c d := a in (b,c,d).
Definition t_occ_pre (a : tocc_countprod) :=
let: (b,c,d) := a in T_occ b c d.
Lemma prod_of_t_occK : cancel t_occ_rep t_occ_pre.
t_occ is a finite type
Definition t_occ_eqMixin :=
CanEqMixin prod_of_t_occK.
Canonical t_occ_eqType :=
Eval hnf in EqType t_occ t_occ_eqMixin.
Definition t_occ_choiceMixin :=
CanChoiceMixin prod_of_t_occK.
Canonical t_occ_choiceType :=
Eval hnf in ChoiceType t_occ t_occ_choiceMixin.
Definition t_occ_countMixin :=
(@CanCountMixin tocc_countprod _ t_occ_rep t_occ_pre prod_of_t_occK).
Canonical t_occ_countType :=
Eval hnf in CountType t_occ t_occ_countMixin.
Definition t_occ_finMixin :=
CanFinMixin prod_of_t_occK.
Canonical t_occ_finType :=
Eval hnf in FinType t_occ t_occ_finMixin.
CanEqMixin prod_of_t_occK.
Canonical t_occ_eqType :=
Eval hnf in EqType t_occ t_occ_eqMixin.
Definition t_occ_choiceMixin :=
CanChoiceMixin prod_of_t_occK.
Canonical t_occ_choiceType :=
Eval hnf in ChoiceType t_occ t_occ_choiceMixin.
Definition t_occ_countMixin :=
(@CanCountMixin tocc_countprod _ t_occ_rep t_occ_pre prod_of_t_occK).
Canonical t_occ_countType :=
Eval hnf in CountType t_occ t_occ_countMixin.
Definition t_occ_finMixin :=
CanFinMixin prod_of_t_occK.
Canonical t_occ_finType :=
Eval hnf in FinType t_occ t_occ_finMixin.
Accessing the atom matching a given t_occ
Definition at_at (o : t_occ) : option atom :=
match nth_error p (r_ind o) with
| None ⇒ None
| Some cl ⇒ nth_error (body_cl cl) (b_ind o) end.
match nth_error p (r_ind o) with
| None ⇒ None
| Some cl ⇒ nth_error (body_cl cl) (b_ind o) end.
Accessing the term matching a given t_occ
Accessing the predicate matching a given t_occ
Definition p_at (t : t_occ) := match (at_at t) with
| None ⇒ None
| Some ato ⇒ Some (sym_atom ato) end.
| None ⇒ None
| Some ato ⇒ Some (sym_atom ato) end.
If t_at returns a variable, it an actual var of a clause.
Lemma t_at_vars_in (tocc : t_occ) v cl :
t_at tocc = Some (Var v)
→ Some cl = nth_error p (r_ind tocc)
→ v \in tail_vars (body_cl cl).
End t_occ.
Section a_occ.
Variable p : program.
t_at tocc = Some (Var v)
→ Some cl = nth_error p (r_ind tocc)
→ v \in tail_vars (body_cl cl).
End t_occ.
Section a_occ.
Variable p : program.
Atom occurrence
an atom occurrence is a couple made of a clause position in the program and atom position in the body of the clause
Extract the atom occurence from the term occurence
Type for the representation of t_occ
Representation and cancellation lemma for t_occ
Definition a_occ_rep (a : a_occ) : aocc_countprod :=
let: A_occ b c := a in (b,c).
Definition a_occ_pre (a : aocc_countprod) :=
let: (b,c) := a in A_occ b c.
Lemma prod_of_a_occK : cancel a_occ_rep a_occ_pre.
let: A_occ b c := a in (b,c).
Definition a_occ_pre (a : aocc_countprod) :=
let: (b,c) := a in A_occ b c.
Lemma prod_of_a_occK : cancel a_occ_rep a_occ_pre.
a_occ is a finite type
Definition a_occ_eqMixin :=
CanEqMixin prod_of_a_occK.
Canonical a_occ_eqType :=
Eval hnf in EqType a_occ a_occ_eqMixin.
Definition a_occ_choiceMixin :=
CanChoiceMixin prod_of_a_occK.
Canonical a_occ_choiceType :=
Eval hnf in ChoiceType a_occ a_occ_choiceMixin.
Definition a_occ_countMixin :=
(@CanCountMixin aocc_countprod _ a_occ_rep a_occ_pre prod_of_a_occK).
Canonical a_occ_countType :=
Eval hnf in CountType a_occ a_occ_countMixin.
Definition a_occ_finMixin :=
CanFinMixin prod_of_a_occK.
Canonical a_occ_finType :=
Eval hnf in FinType a_occ a_occ_finMixin.
End a_occ.
Section prog_occ.
CanEqMixin prod_of_a_occK.
Canonical a_occ_eqType :=
Eval hnf in EqType a_occ a_occ_eqMixin.
Definition a_occ_choiceMixin :=
CanChoiceMixin prod_of_a_occK.
Canonical a_occ_choiceType :=
Eval hnf in ChoiceType a_occ a_occ_choiceMixin.
Definition a_occ_countMixin :=
(@CanCountMixin aocc_countprod _ a_occ_rep a_occ_pre prod_of_a_occK).
Canonical a_occ_countType :=
Eval hnf in CountType a_occ a_occ_countMixin.
Definition a_occ_finMixin :=
CanFinMixin prod_of_a_occK.
Canonical a_occ_finType :=
Eval hnf in FinType a_occ a_occ_finMixin.
End a_occ.
Section prog_occ.
Computing of occurrences of variables in terms, atoms, clauses
Given a list of pair with a bounded number as first element gives back the list with the numbers incremented
Definition shift1 {k : nat} {A : finType} (l : {set ('I_k × A)%type}) : {set ('I_k.+1 × A)%type} :=
[set ((ord_shift x.1), x.2) | x in l].
[set ((ord_shift x.1), x.2) | x in l].
For a given list of terms l gives back the set of indices of terms of l that are a variable
Definition occsInTermList (v : 'I_n) (l : seq term) : {set 'I_max_ar} :=
[set i : 'I_max_ar | nth_error l i == Some (Var v)].
[set i : 'I_max_ar | nth_error l i == Some (Var v)].
Gives back the indexes of the variables in an atom
Given a list of atoms, computes the positions of the variables in that list
Fixpoint occsInAtomList (al : seq atom) (v : 'I_n) : {set ('I_(size al) × 'I_max_ar)} :=
match al with
| [::] ⇒ set0
| a::al ⇒ ([set (Ordinal (ltn0Sn _), x) | x in (occsInAtom a v)] :|: (shift1 (@occsInAtomList al v))) end.
match al with
| [::] ⇒ set0
| a::al ⇒ ([set (Ordinal (ltn0Sn _), x) | x in (occsInAtom a v)] :|: (shift1 (@occsInAtomList al v))) end.
occsInAtomList computes correct positions coresponding
to atoms and to variables in those atoms
Lemma occsInAtomListVint (tl : seq atom) v aton termn :
((aton, termn) \in occsInAtomList tl v)
→ (∃ ato, nth_error tl aton = Some ato ∧ nth_error (arg_atom ato) termn = Some (Var v)).
((aton, termn) \in occsInAtomList tl v)
→ (∃ ato, nth_error tl aton = Some ato ∧ nth_error (arg_atom ato) termn = Some (Var v)).
occsInAtomList can be augmented with the clause index to get
a tocc that references to a variable term in the program
Lemma occsInAtomListV {p} (cl : clause) (cln : 'I_(size p)) v aton termn : Some cl = nth_error p cln
→ ((aton, termn) \in occsInAtomList (body_cl cl) v)
→ @t_at p {| r_ind := cln; b_ind := widen_ord
(wlist_to_seq_size (body_cl cl)) aton;
t_ind := termn |} = Some (Var v).
→ ((aton, termn) \in occsInAtomList (body_cl cl) v)
→ @t_at p {| r_ind := cln; b_ind := widen_ord
(wlist_to_seq_size (body_cl cl)) aton;
t_ind := termn |} = Some (Var v).
occsInRule is ocssInAtomList where the first element of the pairs
is widened to be 'I_bn
Definition occsInRule (v : 'I_n) (cl : clause) : {set ('I_bn × 'I_max_ar)} :=
[set ((widen_ord (wlist_to_seq_size (body_cl cl)) (fst x)), (snd x)) | x in (occsInAtomList (body_cl cl) v)].
[set ((widen_ord (wlist_to_seq_size (body_cl cl)) (fst x)), (snd x)) | x in (occsInAtomList (body_cl cl) v)].
ocssInRule designates also valid variable indexes
Lemma occsInRuleV {p} cl v aton termn : ((aton, termn) \in occsInRule v (tnth (in_tuple p) cl))
→ t_at {| r_ind := cl; b_ind := aton; t_ind := termn |} = Some (Var v).
→ t_at {| r_ind := cl; b_ind := aton; t_ind := termn |} = Some (Var v).
A function to compute t_occs from a clause index and a list of pairs
of bounded indexes.
Definition attach_cl_nb p (cl_nb : 'I_(size p)) (occs : {set ('I_bn × 'I_max_ar)}) : tocs p :=
[set @T_occ p cl_nb (fst x) (snd x) | x in occs].
[set @T_occ p cl_nb (fst x) (snd x) | x in occs].
Computes all the variables t_occurence of a program
Definition occsInProgram p (v : 'I_n) : tocs p :=
\bigcup_(cln in 'I_(size p)) attach_cl_nb cln (@occsInRule v (tnth (in_tuple p) cln)).
\bigcup_(cln in 'I_(size p)) attach_cl_nb cln (@occsInRule v (tnth (in_tuple p) cln)).
There is a variable indexed by each element of occsInProgram p
Lemma occsInProgramV {p} v (xocc : t_occ p) : xocc \in occsInProgram p v → t_at (xocc) = Some (Var v).
All vars of an atom arguments are in atom_vars
Lemma arg_atom_vars_in (v : 'I_n) (ato : atom) : (Var v \in arg_atom ato) ↔ v \in atom_vars ato.
End prog_occ.
End prog_occ.
default values