# Software Name: Cool-Chic
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Orange
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD 3-Clause "New"
# This software is distributed under the BSD-3-Clause license.
# Authors: see CONTRIBUTORS.md
import math
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, OrderedDict, Tuple, TypedDict
from enc.visu.console import pretty_string_nn, pretty_string_ups
from torch import nn, Tensor
import torch
from fvcore.nn import FlopCountAnalysis, flop_count_table
from enc.component.core.arm import (
from enc.component.core.quantizer import (
from enc.component.core.synthesis import Synthesis
from enc.component.core.upsampling import Upsampling
from enc.utils.misc import (
"""A cool-chic encoder is composed of:
- A set of 2d hierarchical latent grids
- An auto-regressive probability module
- An upsampling module
- A synthesis.
At its core, it is a tool to compress any spatially organized signal, with
one or more features by representing it as a set of 2d entropy coding-friendly
latent grids. After upsampling, these latent grids allows to synthesize the
desired signal.
"""Dataclass to store the parameters of CoolChicEncoder for one frame."""
class CoolChicEncoderParameter:
"""Dataclass storing the parameters of a ``CoolChicEncoder``.
img_size (Tuple[int, int]): Height and width :math:`(H, W)` of the frame
to be coded
layers_synthesis (List[str]): Describes the architecture of the
synthesis transform. See the :doc:`synthesis documentation
<core/synthesis>` for more information.
n_ft_per_res (List[int]): Number of latent features for each latent
resolution *i.e.* ``n_ft_per_res[i]`` gives the number of channel
:math:`C_i` of the latent with resolution :math:`\\frac{H}{2^i},
dim_arm (int, Optional): Number of context pixels for the ARM. Also
corresponds to the ARM hidden layer width. See the :doc:`ARM
documentation <core/arm>` for more information. Defaults to 24
n_hidden_layers_arm (int, Optional): Number of hidden layers in the
ARM. Set ``n_hidden_layers_arm = 0`` for a linear ARM. Defaults
to 2.
ups_k_size (int, Optional): Upsampling kernel size for the transposed
convolutions. See the :doc:`upsampling documentation <core/upsampling>`
for more information. Defaults to 8.
ups_preconcat_k_size (int, Optional): Upsampling kernel size for the
pre-concatenation convolutions. See the
:doc:`upsampling documentation <core/upsampling>` for more
information. Defaults to 7.
encoder_gain (int, Optional): Multiply the latent by this value before
quantization. See the documentation of Cool-chic forward pass.
Defaults to 16.
layers_synthesis: List[str]
n_ft_per_res: List[int]
dim_arm: int = 24
n_hidden_layers_arm: int = 2
encoder_gain: int = 16
ups_k_size: int = 8
ups_preconcat_k_size: int = 7
# ==================== Not set by the init function ===================== #
#: Automatically computed, number of different latent resolutions
latent_n_grids: int = field(init=False)
#: Height and width :math:`(H, W)` of the frame to be coded. Must be
#: set using the ``set_image_size()`` function.
img_size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = field(init=False, default=None)
# ==================== Not set by the init function ===================== #
def __post_init__(self):
self.latent_n_grids = len(self.n_ft_per_res)
def set_image_size(self, img_size: Tuple[int, int]) -> None:
"""Register the field self.img_size.
img_size: Height and width :math:`(H, W)` of the frame to be coded
self.img_size = img_size
def pretty_string(self) -> str:
"""Return a pretty string formatting the data within the class"""
s = "CoolChicEncoderParameter value:\n"
s += "-------------------------------\n"
for k in fields(self):
s += f"{k.name:<{ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH}}: {str(getattr(self, k.name)):<{VALUE_WIDTH}}\n"
s += "\n"
return s
class CoolChicEncoderOutput(TypedDict):
"""``TypedDict`` representing the output of CoolChicEncoder forward.
raw_out (Tensor): Output of the synthesis :math:`([B, C, H, W])`.
rate (Tensor): rate associated to each latent (in bits). Shape is
:math:`(N)`, with :math:`N` the total number of latent variables.
additional_data (Dict[str, Any]): Any other data required to compute
some logs, stored inside a dictionary
raw_out: Tensor
rate: Tensor
additional_data: Dict[str, Any]
class CoolChicEncoder(nn.Module):
"""CoolChicEncoder for a single frame."""
def __init__(self, param: CoolChicEncoderParameter):
"""Instantiate a cool-chic encoder for one frame.
param (CoolChicEncoderParameter): Architecture of the
`CoolChicEncoder`. See the documentation of
`CoolChicEncoderParameter` for more information
# Everything is stored inside param
self.param = param
assert self.param.img_size is not None, (
"You are trying to instantiate a CoolChicEncoder from a "
"CoolChicEncoderParameter with a field img_size set to None. Use "
"the function coolchic_encoder_param.set_img_size((H, W)) before "
"instantiating the CoolChicEncoder."
# ================== Synthesis related stuff ================= #
# Encoder-side latent gain applied prior to quantization, one per feature
self.encoder_gains = param.encoder_gain
# Populate the successive grids
self.size_per_latent = []
self.latent_grids = nn.ParameterList()
for i in range(self.param.latent_n_grids):
h_grid, w_grid = [int(math.ceil(x / (2**i))) for x in self.param.img_size]
c_grid = self.param.n_ft_per_res[i]
cur_size = (1, c_grid, h_grid, w_grid)
# Instantiate empty tensor, we fill them later on with the function
# self.initialize_latent_grids()
nn.Parameter(torch.empty(cur_size), requires_grad=True)
# Instantiate the synthesis MLP with as many inputs as the number
# of latent channels
self.synthesis = Synthesis(
sum([latent_size[1] for latent_size in self.size_per_latent]),
# ================== Synthesis related stuff ================= #
# ===================== Upsampling stuff ===================== #
self.upsampling = Upsampling(
# Instantiate one different upsampling and pre-concatenation
# filters for each of the upsampling step. Could also be set to one
# to share the same filter across all latents.
n_ups_kernel=self.param.latent_n_grids - 1,
n_ups_preconcat_kernel=self.param.latent_n_grids - 1,
# ===================== Upsampling stuff ===================== #
# ===================== ARM related stuff ==================== #
# Create the probability model for the main INR. It uses a spatial context
# parameterized by the spatial context
# For a given mask size N (odd number e.g. 3, 5, 7), we have at most
# (N * N - 1) / 2 context pixels in it.
# Example, a 9x9 mask as below has 40 context pixel (indicated with 1s)
# available to predict the pixel '*'
# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# 1 1 1 1 * 0 0 0 0
# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# No more than 40 context pixels i.e. a 9x9 mask size (see example above)
max_mask_size = MAX_ARM_MASK_SIZE
max_context_pixel = int((max_mask_size**2 - 1) / 2)
assert self.param.dim_arm <= max_context_pixel, (
f"You can not have more context pixels "
f" than {max_context_pixel}. Found {self.param.dim_arm}"
# Mask of size 2N + 1 when we have N rows & columns of context.
self.mask_size = max_mask_size
# 1D tensor containing the indices of the selected context pixels.
# register_buffer for automatic device management. We set persistent to false
# to simply use the "automatically move to device" function, without
# considering non_zero_pixel_ctx_index as a parameters (i.e. returned
# by self.parameters())
self.arm = Arm(self.param.dim_arm, self.param.n_hidden_layers_arm)
# ===================== ARM related stuff ==================== #
# Something like ['arm', 'synthesis', 'upsampling']
self.modules_to_send = [tmp.name for tmp in fields(DescriptorCoolChic)]
# ======================== Monitoring ======================== #
# Pretty string representing the decoder complexity
self.flops_str = ""
# Total number of multiplications to decode the image
self.total_flops = 0.0
self.flops_per_module = {k: 0 for k in self.modules_to_send}
# Fill the two attributes aboves
# ======================== Monitoring ======================== #
# Track the quantization step of each neural network, None if the
# module is not yet quantized
self.nn_q_step: Dict[str, DescriptorNN] = {
k: {"weight": None, "bias": None} for k in self.modules_to_send
# Track the exponent of the exp-golomb code used for the NN parameters.
# None if module is not yet quantized
self.nn_expgol_cnt: Dict[str, DescriptorNN] = {
k: {"weight": None, "bias": None} for k in self.modules_to_send
# Copy of the full precision parameters, set just before calling the
# quantize_model() function. This is done through the
# self._store_full_precision_param() function
self.full_precision_param = None
# ------- Actual forward
def forward(
quantizer_noise_type: POSSIBLE_QUANTIZATION_NOISE_TYPE = "kumaraswamy",
quantizer_type: POSSIBLE_QUANTIZER_TYPE = "softround",
soft_round_temperature: Optional[float] = 0.3,
noise_parameter: Optional[float] = 1.0,
AC_MAX_VAL: int = -1,
flag_additional_outputs: bool = False,
) -> CoolChicEncoderOutput:
"""Perform CoolChicEncoder forward pass, to be used during the training.
The main step are as follows:
1. **Scale & quantize the encoder-side latent** :math:`\\mathbf{y}` to
get the decoder-side latent
.. math::
\\hat{\\mathbf{y}} = \\mathrm{Q}(\\Gamma_{enc}\\ \\mathbf{y}),
with :math:`\\Gamma_{enc} \\in \\mathbb{R}` a scalar encoder gain
defined in ``self.param.encoder_gains`` and :math:`\\mathrm{Q}`
the :doc:`quantization operation <core/quantizer>`.
2. **Measure the rate** of the decoder-side latent with the
:doc:`ARM <core/arm>`:
.. math::
\\mathrm{R}(\\hat{\\mathbf{y}}) = -\\log_2 p_{\\psi}(\\hat{\\mathbf{y}}),
where :math:`p_{\\psi}`
is given by the :doc:`Auto-Regressive Module (ARM) <core/arm>`.
3. **Upsample and synthesize** the latent to get the output
.. math::
\\hat{\\mathbf{x}} = f_{\\theta}(f_{\\upsilon}(\\hat{\\mathbf{y}})),
with :math:`f_{\\psi}` the :doc:`Upsampling <core/upsampling>`
and :math:`f_{\\theta}` the :doc:`Synthesis <core/synthesis>`.
quantizer_noise_type: Defaults to ``"kumaraswamy"``.
quantizer_type: Defaults to ``"softround"``.
soft_round_temperature: Soft round temperature.
This is used for softround modes as well as the
ste mode to simulate the derivative in the backward.
Defaults to 0.3.
noise_parameter: noise distribution parameter. Defaults to 1.0.
AC_MAX_VAL: If different from -1, clamp the value to be in
:math:`[-AC\\_MAX\\_VAL; AC\\_MAX\\_VAL + 1]` to write the actual bitstream.
Defaults to -1.
flag_additional_outputs: True to fill
``CoolChicEncoderOutput['additional_data']`` with many different
quantities which can be used to analyze Cool-chic behavior.
Defaults to False.
Output of Cool-chic training forward pass.
# ! Order of the operations are important as these are asynchronous
# ! CUDA operations. Some ordering are faster than other...
# ------ Encoder-side: quantize the latent
# Convert the N [1, C, H_i, W_i] 4d latents with different resolutions
# to a single flat vector. This allows to call the quantization
# only once, which is faster
encoder_side_flat_latent = torch.cat(
[latent_i.view(-1) for latent_i in self.latent_grids]
flat_decoder_side_latent = quantize(
encoder_side_flat_latent * self.encoder_gains,
quantizer_noise_type if self.training else "none",
quantizer_type if self.training else "hardround",
# Clamp latent if we need to write a bitstream
if AC_MAX_VAL != -1:
flat_decoder_side_latent = torch.clamp(
flat_decoder_side_latent, -AC_MAX_VAL, AC_MAX_VAL + 1
# Convert back the 1d tensor to a list of N [1, C, H_i, W_i] 4d latents.
# This require a few additional information about each individual
# latent dimension, stored in self.size_per_latent
decoder_side_latent = []
cnt = 0
for latent_size in self.size_per_latent:
b, c, h, w = latent_size # b should be one
latent_numel = b * c * h * w
flat_decoder_side_latent[cnt : cnt + latent_numel].view(latent_size)
cnt += latent_numel
# ----- ARM to estimate the distribution and the rate of each latent
# As for the quantization, we flatten all the latent and their context
# so that the ARM network is only called once.
# flat_latent: [N, 1] tensor describing N latents
# flat_context: [N, context_size] tensor describing each latent context
# Get all the context as a single 2D vector of size [B, context size]
flat_context = torch.cat(
_get_neighbor(spatial_latent_i, self.mask_size, self.non_zero_pixel_ctx_index)
for spatial_latent_i in decoder_side_latent
# Get all the B latent variables as a single one dimensional vector
flat_latent = torch.cat(
[spatial_latent_i.view(-1) for spatial_latent_i in decoder_side_latent],
# Feed the spatial context to the arm MLP and get mu and scale
flat_mu, flat_scale, flat_log_scale = self.arm(flat_context)
# Compute the rate (i.e. the entropy of flat latent knowing mu and scale)
proba = torch.clamp_min(
_laplace_cdf(flat_latent + 0.5, flat_mu, flat_scale)
- _laplace_cdf(flat_latent - 0.5, flat_mu, flat_scale),
min=2**-16, # No value can cost more than 16 bits.
flat_rate = -torch.log2(proba)
# Upsampling and synthesis to get the output
synthesis_output = self.synthesis(self.upsampling(decoder_side_latent))
additional_data = {}
if flag_additional_outputs:
# Prepare list to accommodate the visualisations
additional_data["detailed_sent_latent"] = []
additional_data["detailed_mu"] = []
additional_data["detailed_scale"] = []
additional_data["detailed_log_scale"] = []
additional_data["detailed_rate_bit"] = []
additional_data["detailed_centered_latent"] = []
additional_data["hpfilters"] = []
# "Pointer" for the reading of the 1D scale, mu and rate
cnt = 0
# for i, _ in enumerate(filtered_latent):
for index_latent_res, _ in enumerate(self.latent_grids):
c_i, h_i, w_i = decoder_side_latent[index_latent_res].size()[-3:]
decoder_side_latent[index_latent_res].view((1, c_i, h_i, w_i))
# Scale, mu and rate are 1D tensors where the N latent grids
# are flattened together. As such we have to read the appropriate
# number of values in this 1D vector to reconstruct the i-th grid in 2D
mu_i, scale_i, log_scale_i, rate_i = [
# Read h_i * w_i values starting from cnt
tmp[cnt : cnt + (c_i * h_i * w_i)].view((1, c_i, h_i, w_i))
for tmp in [flat_mu, flat_scale, flat_log_scale, flat_rate]
cnt += c_i * h_i * w_i
additional_data["detailed_sent_latent"][-1] - mu_i
res: CoolChicEncoderOutput = {
"raw_out": synthesis_output,
"rate": flat_rate,
"additional_data": additional_data,
return res
# ------- Getter / Setter and Initializer
def get_param(self) -> OrderedDict[str, Tensor]:
"""Return **a copy** of the weights and biases inside the module.
OrderedDict[str, Tensor]: A copy of all weights & biases in the module.
param = OrderedDict({})
# Detach & clone to create a copy
f"latent_grids.{k}": v.detach().clone()
for k, v in self.latent_grids.named_parameters()
param.update({f"arm.{k}": v for k, v in self.arm.get_param().items()})
{f"upsampling.{k}": v for k, v in self.upsampling.get_param().items()}
{f"synthesis.{k}": v for k, v in self.synthesis.get_param().items()}
return param
def set_param(self, param: OrderedDict[str, Tensor]):
"""Replace the current parameters of the module with param.
param (OrderedDict[str, Tensor]): Parameters to be set.
def initialize_latent_grids(self) -> None:
"""Initialize the latent grids. The different tensors composing
the latent grids must have already been created e.g. through
for latent_index, latent_value in enumerate(self.latent_grids):
self.latent_grids[latent_index] = nn.Parameter(
torch.zeros_like(latent_value), requires_grad=True
def reinitialize_parameters(self):
"""Reinitialize in place the different parameters of a CoolChicEncoder
namely the latent grids, the arm, the upsampling and the weights.
# Reset the quantization steps and exp-golomb count of the neural
# network to None since we are resetting the parameters.
self.nn_q_step: Dict[str, DescriptorNN] = {
k: {"weight": None, "bias": None} for k in self.modules_to_send
self.nn_expgol_cnt: Dict[str, DescriptorNN] = {
k: {"weight": None, "bias": None} for k in self.modules_to_send
def _store_full_precision_param(self) -> None:
"""Store the current parameters inside self.full_precision_param
This function checks that there is no self.nn_q_step and
self.nn_expgol_cnt already saved. This would mean that we no longer
have full precision parameters but quantized ones.
if self.full_precision_param is not None:
"Warning: overwriting already saved full-precision parameters"
" in CoolChicEncoder _store_full_precision_param()."
# Check that we haven't already quantized the network by looking at
# the nn_expgol_cnt and nn_q_step dictionaries
no_q_step = True
for _, q_step_dict in self.nn_q_step.items():
for _, q_step in q_step_dict.items():
if q_step is not None:
no_q_step = False
assert no_q_step, (
"Trying to store full precision parameters, while CoolChicEncoder "
"nn_q_step attributes is not full of None. This means that the "
"parameters have already been quantized... aborting!"
no_expgol_cnt = True
for _, expgol_cnt_dict in self.nn_expgol_cnt.items():
for _, expgol_cnt in expgol_cnt_dict.items():
if expgol_cnt is not None:
no_expgol_cnt = False
assert no_expgol_cnt, (
"Trying to store full precision parameters, while CoolChicEncoder "
"nn_expgol_cnt attributes is not full of None. This means that the "
"parameters have already been quantized... aborting!"
# All good, simply save the parameters
self.full_precision_param = self.get_param()
def _load_full_precision_param(self) -> None:
assert self.full_precision_param is not None, (
"Trying to load full precision parameters but "
"self.full_precision_param is None"
# Reset the side information about the quantization step and expgol cnt
# so that the rate is no longer computed by the test() function.
self.nn_q_step: Dict[str, DescriptorNN] = {
k: {"weight": None, "bias": None} for k in self.modules_to_send
self.nn_expgol_cnt: Dict[str, DescriptorNN] = {
k: {"weight": None, "bias": None} for k in self.modules_to_send
# ------- Get flops, neural network rates and quantization step
def get_flops(self) -> None:
"""Compute the number of MAC & parameters for the model.
Update ``self.total_flops`` (integer describing the number of total MAC)
and ``self.flops_str``, a pretty string allowing to print the model
complexity somewhere.
.. attention::
``fvcore`` measures MAC (multiplication & accumulation) but calls it
FLOP (floating point operation)... We do the same here and call
everything FLOP even though it would be more accurate to use MAC.
# print("Ignoring get_flops")
# Count the number of floating point operations here. It must be done before
# torch scripting the different modules.
self = self.train(mode=False)
flops = FlopCountAnalysis(
"none", # Quantization noise
"hardround", # Quantizer type
0.3, # Soft round temperature
0.1, # Noise parameter
-1, # AC_MAX_VAL
False, # Flag additional outputs
self.total_flops = flops.total()
for k in self.flops_per_module:
self.flops_per_module[k] = flops.by_module()[k]
self.flops_str = flop_count_table(flops)
del flops
self = self.train(mode=True)
def get_network_rate(self) -> DescriptorCoolChic:
"""Return the rate (in bits) associated to the parameters
(weights and biases) of the different modules
DescriptorCoolChic: The rate (in bits) associated with the weights
and biases of each module
rate_per_module: DescriptorCoolChic = {
module_name: {"weight": 0.0, "bias": 0.0}
for module_name in self.modules_to_send
for module_name in self.modules_to_send:
cur_module = getattr(self, module_name)
rate_per_module[module_name] = measure_expgolomb_rate(
return rate_per_module
def get_network_quantization_step(self) -> DescriptorCoolChic:
"""Return the quantization step associated to the parameters (weights
and biases) of the different modules. Those quantization can be
``None`` if the model has not yet been quantized.
DescriptorCoolChic: The quantization step associated with the
weights and biases of each module.
return self.nn_q_step
def get_network_expgol_count(self) -> DescriptorCoolChic:
"""Return the Exp-Golomb count parameter associated to the parameters
(weights and biases) of the different modules. Those quantization can be
``None`` if the model has not yet been quantized.
DescriptorCoolChic: The Exp-Golomb count parameter associated
with the weights and biases of each module.
return self.nn_expgol_cnt
def str_complexity(self) -> str:
"""Return a string describing the number of MAC (**not mac per pixel**) and the
number of parameters for the different modules of CoolChic
str: A pretty string about CoolChic complexity.
if not self.flops_str:
msg_total_mac = "----------------------------------\n"
msg_total_mac += (
f"Total MAC / decoded pixel: {self.get_total_mac_per_pixel():.1f}"
msg_total_mac += "\n----------------------------------"
return self.flops_str + "\n\n" + msg_total_mac
def get_total_mac_per_pixel(self) -> float:
"""Count the number of Multiplication-Accumulation (MAC) per decoded pixel
for this model.
float: number of floating point operations per decoded pixel.
if not self.flops_str:
n_pixels = self.param.img_size[-2] * self.param.img_size[-1]
return self.total_flops / n_pixels
# ------- Useful functions
def to_device(self, device: POSSIBLE_DEVICE) -> None:
"""Push a model to a given device.
device (POSSIBLE_DEVICE): The device on which the model should run.
assert device in typing.get_args(
), f"Unknown device {device}, should be in {typing.get_args(POSSIBLE_DEVICE)}"
self = self.to(device)
# Push integerized weights and biases of the mlp (resp qw and qb) to
# the required device
for idx_layer, layer in enumerate(self.arm.mlp):
if hasattr(layer, "qw"):
if layer.qw is not None:
self.arm.mlp[idx_layer].qw = layer.qw.to(device)
if hasattr(layer, "qb"):
if layer.qb is not None:
self.arm.mlp[idx_layer].qb = layer.qb.to(device)
def pretty_string(self, print_detailed_archi: bool = False) -> str:
"""Get a pretty string representing the layer of a ``CoolChicEncoder``
print_detailed_archi: True to print the detailed decoder architecture
str: a pretty string ready to be printed out
long_description = ""
short_description = ""
if not self.flops_str:
n_pixels = self.param.img_size[-2] * self.param.img_size[-1]
total_mac_per_pix = self.get_total_mac_per_pixel()
title = f"Cool-chic architecture {total_mac_per_pix:.0f} MAC / pixel"
long_description += f"\n{title}\n" f"{'-' * len(title)}\n\n"
ups_complexity = self.flops_per_module["upsampling"] / n_pixels
ups_share_complexity = 100 * ups_complexity / total_mac_per_pix
title = f"Upsampling {ups_complexity:.0f} MAC/pixel ; {ups_share_complexity:.1f} % of the complexity"
long_description += (
f"{'=' * len(title)}\n"
"Note: all upsampling layers are separable and symmetric "
"(transposed) convolutions.\n\n"
long_description += pretty_string_ups(self.upsampling, "")
arm_complexity = self.flops_per_module["arm"] / n_pixels
arm_share_complexity = 100 * arm_complexity / total_mac_per_pix
title = f"ARM {arm_complexity:.0f} MAC/pixel ; {arm_share_complexity:.1f} % of the complexity"
long_description += f"\n\n\n{title}\n" f"{'=' * len(title)}\n\n\n"
input_arm = f"{self.arm.dim_arm}-pixel context"
output_arm = "mu, log scale"
long_description += pretty_string_nn(self.arm.mlp, "", input_arm, output_arm)
syn_complexity = self.flops_per_module["synthesis"] / n_pixels
syn_share_complexity = 100 * syn_complexity / total_mac_per_pix
title = f"Synthesis {syn_complexity:.0f} MAC/pixel ; {syn_share_complexity:.1f} % of the complexity"
long_description += f"\n\n\n{title}\n" f"{'=' * len(title)}\n\n\n"
input_syn = f"{self.synthesis.input_ft} features"
output_syn = "Decoded image"
long_description += pretty_string_nn(
self.synthesis.layers, "", input_syn, output_syn
if print_detailed_archi:
return long_description
short_description = (
f"\nCool-chic decoding complexity: {total_mac_per_pix:.0f} MAC / pixel\n"
f" - {'ARM':<10} {arm_complexity:5.0f} MAC / pixel ; {arm_share_complexity:4.1f} % of the complexity\n"
f" - {'Upsampling':<10} {ups_complexity:5.0f} MAC / pixel ; {ups_share_complexity:4.1f} % of the complexity\n"
f" - {'Synthesis':<10} {syn_complexity:5.0f} MAC / pixel ; {syn_share_complexity:4.1f} % of the complexity\n"
return short_description