Source code for

# Software Name: Cool-Chic
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Orange
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD 3-Clause "New"
# This software is distributed under the BSD-3-Clause license.
# Authors: see

import math
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional, Union

import torch
from enc.utils.codingstructure import DictTensorYUV
from torch import Tensor

[docs] @dataclass(kw_only=True) class LossFunctionOutput(): """Output for FrameEncoder.loss_function""" # ----- This is the important output # Optional to allow easy inheritance by FrameEncoderLogs loss: Optional[float] = None # The RD cost to optimize # Any other data required to compute some logs, stored inside a dictionary mse: Optional[float] = None # Mean squared error [ / ] rate_nn_bpp: Optional[float] = None # Rate associated to the neural networks [bpp] rate_latent_bpp: Optional[float] = None # Rate associated to the latent [bpp] # ==================== Not set by the init function ===================== # # Everything here is derived from the above metrics psnr_db: Optional[float] = field(init=False, default=None) # PSNR [ dB] total_rate_bpp: Optional[float] = field(init=False, default=None) # Overall rate: latent & NNs [bpp] # ==================== Not set by the init function ===================== # def __post_init__(self): if self.mse is not None: self.psnr_db = -10.0 * math.log10(self.mse) if self.rate_nn_bpp is not None and self.rate_latent_bpp is not None: self.total_rate_bpp = self.rate_nn_bpp + self.rate_latent_bpp
def _compute_mse( x: Union[Tensor, DictTensorYUV], y: Union[Tensor, DictTensorYUV] ) -> Tensor: """Compute the Mean Squared Error between two images. Both images can either be a single tensor, or a dictionary of tensors with one for each color channel. In case of images with multiple channels, the final MSE is obtained by averaging the MSE for each color channel, weighted by the number of pixels. E.g. for YUV 420: MSE = (4 * MSE_Y + MSE_U + MSE_V) / 6 Args: x (Union[Tensor, DictTensorYUV]): One of the two inputs y (Union[Tensor, DictTensorYUV]): The other input Returns: Tensor: One element tensor containing the MSE of x and y. """ flag_420 = not (isinstance(x, Tensor)) if not flag_420: return ((x - y) ** 2).mean() else: # Total number of pixels for all channels total_pixels_yuv = 0.0 # MSE weighted by the number of pixels in each channels mse = torch.zeros((1), device=x.get("y").device) for (_, x_channel), (_, y_channel) in zip(x.items(), y.items()): n_pixels_channel = x_channel.numel() mse = ( mse + torch.pow((x_channel - y_channel), 2.0).mean() * n_pixels_channel ) total_pixels_yuv += n_pixels_channel mse = mse / total_pixels_yuv return mse
[docs] def loss_function( decoded_image: Union[Tensor, DictTensorYUV], rate_latent_bit: Tensor, target_image: Union[Tensor, DictTensorYUV], lmbda: float = 1e-3, rate_mlp_bit: float = 0.0, compute_logs: bool = False, ) -> LossFunctionOutput: """Compute the loss and a few other quantities. The loss equation is: .. math:: \\mathcal{L} = ||\\mathbf{x} - \hat{\\mathbf{x}}||^2 + \\lambda (\\mathrm{R}(\hat{\\mathbf{x}}) + \\mathrm{R}_{NN}), \\text{ with } \\begin{cases} \\mathbf{x} & \\text{the original image}\\\\ \\hat{\\mathbf{x}} & \\text{the coded image}\\\\ \\mathrm{R}(\\hat{\\mathbf{x}}) & \\text{A measure of the rate of } \\hat{\\mathbf{x}} \\\\ \\mathrm{R}_{NN} & \\text{The rate of the neural networks} \\end{cases} .. warning:: There is no back-propagation through the term :math:`\\mathrm{R}_{NN}`. It is just here to be taken into account by the rate-distortion cost so that it better reflects the compression performance. Args: decoded_image: The decoded image, either as a Tensor for RGB or YUV444 data, or as a dictionary of Tensors for YUV420 data. rate_latent_bit: Tensor with the rate of each latent value. The rate is in bit. target_image: The target image, either as a Tensor for RGB or YUV444 data, or as a dictionary of Tensors for YUV420 data. lmbda: Rate constraint. Defaults to 1e-3. rate_mlp_bit: Sum of the rate allocated for the different neural networks. Rate is in bit. Defaults to 0.0. compute_logs: True to output a few more quantities beside the loss. Defaults to False. Returns: Object gathering the different quantities computed by this loss function. Chief among them: the loss itself. """ mse = _compute_mse(decoded_image, target_image) if isinstance(decoded_image, Tensor): n_pixels = decoded_image.size()[-2] * decoded_image.size()[-1] else: n_pixels = decoded_image.get("y").size()[-2] * decoded_image.get("y").size()[-1] rate_bpp = (rate_latent_bit.sum() + rate_mlp_bit) / n_pixels loss = mse + lmbda * rate_bpp # Construct the output module, only the loss is always returned output = LossFunctionOutput( loss=loss, mse=mse.detach().item() if compute_logs else None, rate_nn_bpp=rate_mlp_bit / n_pixels if compute_logs else None, rate_latent_bpp=rate_latent_bit.detach().sum().item() / n_pixels if compute_logs else None, ) return output