# Software Name: Cool-Chic
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Orange
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD 3-Clause "New"
# This software is distributed under the BSD-3-Clause license.
# Authors: see CONTRIBUTORS.md
import copy
import time
from typing import List, Tuple
import torch
from torch.nn.utils import clip_grad_norm_
from enc.utils.manager import FrameEncoderManager
from enc.component.core.quantizer import (
from enc.component.frame import FrameEncoder
from enc.training.loss import loss_function
from enc.training.test import test
from enc.utils.codingstructure import Frame
from enc.training.presets import MODULE_TO_OPTIMIZE
# Custom scheduling function for the soft rounding temperature and the noise parameter
def _linear_schedule(
initial_value: float, final_value: float, cur_itr: float, max_itr: float
) -> float:
"""Linearly schedule a function to go from initial_value at cur_itr = 0 to
final_value when cur_itr = max_itr.
initial_value (float): Initial value for the scheduling
final_value (float): Final value for the scheduling
cur_itr (float): Current iteration index
max_itr (float): Total number of iterations
float: The linearly scheduled value @ iteration number cur_itr
assert cur_itr >= 0 and cur_itr <= max_itr, (
f"Linear scheduling from 0 to {max_itr} iterations"
" except to have a current iterations between those two values."
f" Found cur_itr = {cur_itr}."
return cur_itr * (final_value - initial_value) / max_itr + initial_value
def train(
frame_encoder: FrameEncoder,
frame: Frame,
frame_encoder_manager: FrameEncoderManager,
start_lr: float = 1e-2,
cosine_scheduling_lr: bool = True,
max_iterations: int = 10000,
frequency_validation: int = 100,
patience: int = 10,
optimized_module: List[MODULE_TO_OPTIMIZE] = ["all"],
quantizer_type: POSSIBLE_QUANTIZER_TYPE = "softround",
quantizer_noise_type: POSSIBLE_QUANTIZATION_NOISE_TYPE = "kumaraswamy",
softround_temperature: Tuple[float, float] = (0.3, 0.2),
noise_parameter: Tuple[float, float] = (2.0, 1.0),
) -> FrameEncoder:
"""Train a ``FrameEncoder`` and return the updated module. This function is
supposed to be called any time we want to optimize the parameters of a
FrameEncoder, either during the warm-up (competition of multiple possible
initializations) or during of the stages of the actual training phase.
The module is optimized according to the following loss function:
.. math::
\\mathcal{L} = ||\\mathbf{x} - \hat{\\mathbf{x}}||^2 + \\lambda
\\mathrm{R}(\hat{\\mathbf{x}}), \\text{ with } \\begin{cases}
\\mathbf{x} & \\text{the original image}\\\\ \\hat{\\mathbf{x}} &
\\text{the coded image}\\\\ \\mathrm{R}(\\hat{\\mathbf{x}}) &
\\text{A measure of the rate of } \\hat{\\mathbf{x}}
.. warning::
The parameter ``frame_encoder_manager`` tracking the encoding time of
the frame (``total_training_time_sec``) and the number of encoding
iterations (``iterations_counter``) is modified **in place** by this
frame_encoder: Module to be trained.
frame: The original image to be compressed and its references.
frame_encoder_manager: Contains (among other things) the rate
constraint :math:`\\lambda`. It is also used to track the total
encoding time and encoding iterations. Modified in place.
start_lr: Initial learning rate. Either constant for the entire
training or schedule using a cosine scheduling, see below for more
details. Defaults to 1e-2.
cosine_scheduling_lr: True to schedule the learning
rate from ``start_lr`` at iteration n°0 to 0 at iteration
n° ``max_iterations``. Defaults to True.
max_iterations: Do at most ``max_iterations`` iterations.
The actual number of iterations can be made smaller through the
patience mechanism. Defaults to 10000.
frequency_validation: Check (and print) the performance
each ``frequency_validation`` iterations. This drives the patience
mechanism. Defaults to 100.
patience: After ``patience`` iterations without any
improvement to the results, exit the training. Patience is disabled
by setting ``patience = max_iterations``. If patience is used alongside
cosine_scheduling_lr, then it does not end the training. Instead,
we simply reload the best model so far once we reach the patience,
and the training continue. Defaults to 10.
optimized_module: List of modules to be optimized. Most often you'd
want to use ``optimized_module = ['all']``. Defaults to ``['all']``.
quantizer_type: What quantizer to
use during training. See :doc:`encoder/component/core/quantizer.py
<../component/core/quantizer>` for more information. Defaults to
quantizer_noise_type: The random noise used by the quantizer. More
information available in
<../component/core/quantizer>`. Defaults to ``"kumaraswamy"``.
softround_temperature: The softround temperature is linearly scheduled
during the training. At iteration n° 0 it is equal to
``softround_temperature[0]`` while at iteration n° ``max_itr`` it is
equal to ``softround_temperature[1]``. Note that the patience might
interrupt the training before it reaches this last value.
Defaults to (0.3, 0.2).
noise_parameter: The random noise temperature is linearly scheduled
during the training. At iteration n° 0 it is equal to
``noise_parameter[0]`` while at iteration n° ``max_itr`` it is equal
to ``noise_parameter[1]``. Note that the patience might interrupt
the training before it reaches this last value. Defaults to (2.0,
The trained frame encoder.
start_time = time.time()
raw_references = [ref_i.data for ref_i in frame.refs_data]
# ------ Keep track of the best loss and model
# Perform a first test to get the current best logs (it includes the loss)
initial_encoder_logs = test(frame_encoder, frame, frame_encoder_manager)
encoder_logs_best = initial_encoder_logs
best_model = frame_encoder.get_param()
# ------ Build the list of parameters to optimize
# Iteratively construct the list of required parameters... This is kind of a
# strange syntax, which has been found quite empirically
parameters_to_optimize = []
if "arm" in optimized_module:
parameters_to_optimize += [*frame_encoder.coolchic_encoder.arm.parameters()]
if "upsampling" in optimized_module:
parameters_to_optimize += [
if "synthesis" in optimized_module:
parameters_to_optimize += [
if "latent" in optimized_module:
parameters_to_optimize += [
if "all" in optimized_module:
parameters_to_optimize = frame_encoder.parameters()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(parameters_to_optimize, lr=start_lr)
best_optimizer_state = copy.deepcopy(optimizer.state_dict())
if cosine_scheduling_lr:
# TODO: I'd like to use an explicit function for this scheduler
learning_rate_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(
T_max=max_iterations / frequency_validation,
learning_rate_scheduler = None
# Initialize soft rounding temperature and noise parameter
cur_softround_temperature = _linear_schedule(
device = frame.data.data.device if frame.data.frame_data_type != "yuv420" else frame.data.data.get("y").device
cur_softround_temperature = torch.tensor(cur_softround_temperature, device=device)
cur_noise_parameter = _linear_schedule(
noise_parameter[0], noise_parameter[1], 0, max_iterations
cur_noise_parameter = torch.tensor(cur_noise_parameter, device=device)
cnt_record = 0
show_col_name = True # Only for a pretty display of the logs
# Slightly faster to create the list once outside of the loop
all_parameters = [x for x in frame_encoder.parameters()]
for cnt in range(max_iterations):
# print(sum(v.abs().sum() for _, v in best_model.items()))
# ------- Patience mechanism
if cnt - cnt_record > patience:
if cosine_scheduling_lr:
# reload the best model so far
current_lr = learning_rate_scheduler.state_dict()["_last_lr"][0]
# actualise the best optimizer lr with current lr
for g in optimizer.param_groups:
g["lr"] = current_lr
cnt_record = cnt
# exceeding the patience level ends the phase
# ------- Actual optimization
# This is slightly faster than optimizer.zero_grad()
for param in all_parameters:
param.grad = None
# forward / backward
out_forward = frame_encoder.forward(
loss_function_output = loss_function(
clip_grad_norm_(all_parameters, 1e-1, norm_type=2.0, error_if_nonfinite=False)
frame_encoder_manager.iterations_counter += 1
# ------- Validation
# Each freq_valid iteration or at the end of the phase, compute validation loss and log stuff
if ((cnt + 1) % frequency_validation == 0) or (cnt + 1 == max_iterations):
# a. Update iterations counter and training time and test model
frame_encoder_manager.total_training_time_sec += time.time() - start_time
start_time = time.time()
# b. Test the model and check whether we've beaten our record
encoder_logs = test(frame_encoder, frame, frame_encoder_manager)
flag_new_record = False
if encoder_logs.loss < encoder_logs_best.loss:
# A record must have at least -0.001 bpp or + 0.001 dB. A smaller improvement
# does not matter.
delta_psnr = encoder_logs.psnr_db - encoder_logs_best.psnr_db
delta_bpp = (
encoder_logs.rate_latent_bpp - encoder_logs_best.rate_latent_bpp
flag_new_record = delta_bpp < 0.001 or delta_psnr > 0.001
if flag_new_record:
# Save best model
best_model = frame_encoder.get_param()
best_optimizer_state = copy.deepcopy(optimizer.state_dict())
# ========================= reporting ========================= #
this_phase_psnr_gain = (
encoder_logs.psnr_db - initial_encoder_logs.psnr_db
this_phase_bpp_gain = (
encoder_logs.rate_latent_bpp - initial_encoder_logs.rate_latent_bpp
log_new_record = ""
log_new_record += f"{this_phase_bpp_gain:+6.3f} bpp "
log_new_record += f"{this_phase_psnr_gain:+6.3f} db"
# ========================= reporting ========================= #
# Update new record
encoder_logs_best = encoder_logs
cnt_record = cnt
log_new_record = ""
# Show column name a single time
additional_data = {
"lr": f"{start_lr if not cosine_scheduling_lr else learning_rate_scheduler.get_last_lr()[0]:.8f}",
"optim": ",".join(optimized_module),
"patience": (patience - cnt + cnt_record) // frequency_validation,
"q_type": f"{quantizer_type:12s}",
"sr_temp": f"{cur_softround_temperature:.5f}",
"n_type": f"{quantizer_noise_type:12s}",
"noise": f"{cur_noise_parameter:.2f}",
"record": log_new_record,
show_col_name = False
# Update soft rounding temperature and noise_parameter
cur_softround_temperature = _linear_schedule(
cur_softround_temperature = torch.tensor(cur_softround_temperature, device=device)
cur_noise_parameter = _linear_schedule(
cur_noise_parameter = torch.tensor(cur_noise_parameter, device=device)
if cosine_scheduling_lr:
# At the end of the training, we load the best model
return frame_encoder