public class


extends Object
   ↳ org.ocast.discovery.DiscoveredDevice
Known Direct Subclasses


Public Constructors
DiscoveredDevice(String uuid, String friendlyName, String manufacturer, String modelName, URI urlBase)
Public Methods
boolean equals(Object o)
URI getDialURI()
Retrieve the Dial application URL found in device tag URLBase or the one provided to fromDeviceDescription if it comes from a header.
String getFriendlyName()
Retrieve the device friendly name found in device tag
String getManufacturer()
Retrieve the manufacturer found in found in device tag
String getModelName()
Retrieve the modelName found in device tag
String getUuid()
Retrieve the UUID found in device tag
int hashCode()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public DiscoveredDevice (String uuid, String friendlyName, String manufacturer, String modelName, URI urlBase)

Public Methods

public boolean equals (Object o)

public URI getDialURI ()

Retrieve the Dial application URL found in device tag URLBase or the one provided to fromDeviceDescription if it comes from a header.

  • a URI object representing the Dial application URL

public String getFriendlyName ()

Retrieve the device friendly name found in device tag

  • friendly name

public String getManufacturer ()

Retrieve the manufacturer found in found in device tag

public String getModelName ()

Retrieve the modelName found in device tag

public String getUuid ()

Retrieve the UUID found in device tag

  • the uuid value without uuid: prefix

public int hashCode ()