public class


extends Object
implements Discovery
   ↳ org.ocast.discovery.SSDPDiscovery

Class Overview

defines a SSDP Discovery


Public Constructors
SSDPDiscovery(String searchTarget, Discovery.DiscoveryListener listener)
SSDPDiscovery(Set<String> searchTargetList, Discovery.DiscoveryListener listener)
Public Methods
void start(boolean active)
Starts actively polling the network to scan devices by sending a M-SEARCH discover
void start()
Starts polling the network to scan devices by sending a M-SEARCH discover
void stop()
Stops active scan
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.ocast.discovery.Discovery

Public Constructors

public SSDPDiscovery (String searchTarget, Discovery.DiscoveryListener listener)

searchTarget the scanInternal target corresponding to devices of interest

public SSDPDiscovery (Set<String> searchTargetList, Discovery.DiscoveryListener listener)

Public Methods

public void start (boolean active)

Starts actively polling the network to scan devices by sending a M-SEARCH discover

public void start ()

Starts polling the network to scan devices by sending a M-SEARCH discover

public void stop ()

Stops active scan