
Require Import syntax.
Require Import occurrences.
Require Import subs.
Require Import pmatch.
Require Import bSemantics.
Require Import monotonicity.
Require Import soundness.

Require Import bigop_aux.
Require Import utils.
Require Import finseqs.
Require Import fintrees.

Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Sumbool.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Implicit Types (s r : sub) (d def : syntax.constant) (t : term) (a : atom)
               (ga : gatom) (tl : list atom) (cl : clause) (i : interp).

Section tSemantics.

Variable p : program.
Variable gat_def : gatom.

Trace semantics

Rule grounding

Section rul_gr.

rule grounding: a pair of a clause and a substitution
Inductive rul_gr :=
  | RS : clause sub rul_gr.

Conversion to and from pair so that we have a cancellable
Definition rul_gr_rep l := match l with
  | RS c g(c, g) end.

Definition rul_gr_pre l := match l with
  | (c, g)RS c g end.

Lemma rul_gr_repK : cancel rul_gr_rep rul_gr_pre.

rul_gr is an eq type
Definition rul_gr_eqMixin :=
CanEqMixin rul_gr_repK.

Canonical rul_gr_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType rul_gr rul_gr_eqMixin.

rul_gr is a choice type
Definition rul_gr_choiceMixin :=
CanChoiceMixin rul_gr_repK.

Canonical rul_gr_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType rul_gr rul_gr_choiceMixin.

rul_gr is a count type
Definition rul_gr_countMixin :=
(@CanCountMixin (prod_countType clause_countType sub)
  rul_gr _ _ rul_gr_repK).

Canonical rul_gr_countType := Eval hnf in CountType rul_gr rul_gr_countMixin.

rul_gr is a finite type
Definition rul_gr_finMixin :=
(@CanFinMixin rul_gr_countType
  (prod_finType clause_finType sub)
  _ _ rul_gr_repK).

Canonical rul_gr_finType := Eval hnf in FinType rul_gr rul_gr_finMixin.

End rul_gr.

Semantic trees (traces)

Section trace_sem_trees.

A semantic tree is a tree with bounded width bn (the maximal size of the body of clause),
  • nodes are in rul_gr ie. pairs of clause and substitution
  • leaves are ground atoms (from the interpretation).
force typing
Definition my_tst_sub x (H : wu_pred x) : trace_sem_trees := WU_sf_sub H.

Get the head node label (ie. the last clause and substitution)
Definition tst_node_head (t : trace_sem_trees) := match (val t) with
  | ABLeaf _None
  | ABNode h _Some h end.

Deduced term: either the fact or the head atom of the last clause grounded by the substitution.
Definition ded def (t : trace_sem_trees) := match (val t) with
  | ABLeaf ff
  | ABNode (RS (Clause h _) s) _gr_atom_def def s h end.

translate a set of traces in an interpretation
Definition sem_tree_to_inter def (ts : {set trace_sem_trees}) : interp := [set ded def x | x in ts].

Checks that the deduction from the traces is equal to ghe atoms grounded by the supplied substitution. This is what is the relation existing begween the children of a trace node and the body of the clause associated to that node
Definition ded_sub_equal (def : syntax.constant) (lx : seq trace_sem_trees) (s : sub) (ats : seq atom) :=
  (map (ded def) lx) == (map (gr_atom_def def s) ats).

Computes the traces representing the consequence of a clause from the traces representing the current interpretation
Definition cons_clause_t def (cl : clause) (k : {set trace_sem_trees}) : {set trace_sem_trees} :=
  let b := (body_cl cl) in
  let subs := match_body (sem_tree_to_inter def k) b in
  pset [set (wutree_option_fst (@wu_pcons_seq rul_gr_finType gatom_finType bn gat_def (RS cl s) lx))
                                         | lx : (size b).-tuple trace_sem_trees,
                                            s : sub in subs &
                                            (ded_sub_equal def lx s b &&
                                            all (mem k) lx)].

A member of the consequences of the clause is an ABnode labelled by (cl, s) where s is a substitution

Trace semantics definition

Initialize the trace semantic from a standard interpretation of the EDB by creating leaf trees.
the forward chain step for the trace semantics.
interp_t is the equivalent of interp for the trace semantics
The m iterate of the semantics
Definition sem_t (def : syntax.constant) (m : nat) (i : interp) :=
  iter m (fwd_chain_t def) (base_sem_t i).

The leaf trees in the semantics are the ground atoms of the initial interpretation
Lemma sem_t_leaf def i ga Htra m : {| wht := ABLeaf rul_gr_finType ga; Hwht := Htra |}
              \in sem_t def m i ga \in i.

The result of fwd_chain contains its argument
technical lemma rephrasing the above one
and the same for fwd_chain
Simple reinterpretation of definition of ded_sub_equal
Trivial technical lemma but inversion was too agressive in the following proof
Lemma simple_cons_eq_inversion {T : Type} (a b : T) (l ll : seq T) : (a::l = b::ll) (a = b l = ll).

If applying s on a list l gives a list of ground atom, then using s as a grounding and applying it to l will also give this list of ground atoms.
Lemma stail_eq_to_gr_atom_eq (l : seq atom) (def : syntax.constant) (s : sub) (gtl : seq gatom) (H : stail l s = [seq to_atom ga | ga <- gtl]) :
  [seq gr_atom (to_gr def s) a | a <- l] = gtl.

If applying the substitution gives ground atoms, we have ded_sub_equal without explicit grounding on the list of atoms l
There is no new leaf in the consequence of a clause
Lemma no_deduced_leaf (x : gatom_finType) (def : syntax.constant) (k : {set trace_sem_trees})
(Habs : wutree_fin (wu_leaf x) \in \bigcup_cl cons_clause_t def cl k) : False.

Lemma cons_clause_t_desc def (deduced : {set [finType of trace_sem_trees]}) (h : rul_gr_finType) (l : seq (@ABtree rul_gr_finType gatom_finType))
      (t : trace_sem_trees) (Hin : val t \in l)
      (Hwup : @wu_pred _ _ bn (ABNode h l)) : (my_tst_sub Hwup
           \in \big[setU (T:=[finType of trace_sem_trees])/set0]_cl
                  cons_clause_t def cl deduced) t \in deduced.

If a tree is in a given step of the trace semantic, so are all its subtrees.
If a tree is in a given step of the trace semantic, its strict subtrees are in the previous step.

Completeness of the trace semantic.

For each atom in the regular semantic, there is a tree in the trace semantic that can be interpreted (it deduces) the atom

Soundness of the trace semantics

technical lemma
Lemma type_preserving_inversion (A B C : finType) (f2 : A B C)
(D1 : mem_pred A) (D2 : A mem_pred B)
: y : C, imset2_spec f2 D1 D2 y ( x1 : A, x2 : B, (in_mem x1 D1 in_mem x2 (D2 x1) (y = f2 x1 x2))).

technical lemma: unification failed with normal setIdP
Lemma setIdP_bool_to_prop {T : finType} (pA pB : pred T) : x, x \in [set y | pA y & pB y] ((pA x) (pB x)).

For all trace in the m step of the trace semantic, its deduced atom is in the m step of the regular semantics
If we have a node in the trace semantics with (cl, s) as root, then there is an interpretation where the body of cl matches producing s.
technical lemma
Lemma sterm_ga_eq def s aa aga :
   [seq sterm s x | x <- aa ] = [seq Val x | x <- aga]
aga = [seq gr_term_def def s i | i <- aa].

technical lemma
technical lemma
Let p be safe, forall clause cl of p, and substitution s result of matching cl against the standard semantics of p at step m, then there is a trace t in the (m+1) trace-semantics of p whose head is (cl,s)
All the clauses in the roots in the trace semantics of p are clauses of p
Lemma tr_cl_in (tr : trace_sem_trees) def cl s m i:
   tr \in sem_t def m i
ABroot (val tr) = inl (RS cl s)
cl \in p.

For a safe program (for the heads), and any trace in the semantics, if its interpretation is an EDB predicate, then the trace is a leaf.
For a safe interpretation (an EDB), and any trace in the semantics, if its interpretation is an IDB predicate, then the trace is an internal node.

Utility lemmas relating tocc and the trace

we find in the semantics If we have a program with safe heads (no edb pred) and we have a trace in the semantics whose root is clause cl. If we have an occurrence, that points to a term of this clause and is on an atom that is an EDB predicate, then this will appear as a leaf in the direct children of the trace.
Same as above, but with an IDB predicate, in that case, the child must be an internal node and its head symbol must be the IDB predicate found