Require Import syntax.
Require Import occurrences.
Require Import subs.
Require Import pmatch.
Require Import bSemantics.
Require Import monotonicity.
Require Import soundness.
Require Import bigop_aux.
Require Import utils.
Require Import finseqs.
Require Import fintrees.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Sumbool.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Implicit Types (s r : sub) (d def : syntax.constant) (t : term) (a : atom)
(ga : gatom) (tl : list atom) (cl : clause) (i : interp).
Section tSemantics.
Variable p : program.
Variable gat_def : gatom.
rule grounding: a pair of a clause and a substitution
Conversion to and from pair so that we have a cancellable
Definition rul_gr_rep l := match l with
| RS c g ⇒ (c, g) end.
Definition rul_gr_pre l := match l with
| (c, g) ⇒ RS c g end.
Lemma rul_gr_repK : cancel rul_gr_rep rul_gr_pre.
| RS c g ⇒ (c, g) end.
Definition rul_gr_pre l := match l with
| (c, g) ⇒ RS c g end.
Lemma rul_gr_repK : cancel rul_gr_rep rul_gr_pre.
rul_gr is an eq type
Definition rul_gr_eqMixin :=
CanEqMixin rul_gr_repK.
Canonical rul_gr_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType rul_gr rul_gr_eqMixin.
CanEqMixin rul_gr_repK.
Canonical rul_gr_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType rul_gr rul_gr_eqMixin.
rul_gr is a choice type
Definition rul_gr_choiceMixin :=
CanChoiceMixin rul_gr_repK.
Canonical rul_gr_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType rul_gr rul_gr_choiceMixin.
CanChoiceMixin rul_gr_repK.
Canonical rul_gr_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType rul_gr rul_gr_choiceMixin.
rul_gr is a count type
Definition rul_gr_countMixin :=
(@CanCountMixin (prod_countType clause_countType sub)
rul_gr _ _ rul_gr_repK).
Canonical rul_gr_countType := Eval hnf in CountType rul_gr rul_gr_countMixin.
(@CanCountMixin (prod_countType clause_countType sub)
rul_gr _ _ rul_gr_repK).
Canonical rul_gr_countType := Eval hnf in CountType rul_gr rul_gr_countMixin.
rul_gr is a finite type
Definition rul_gr_finMixin :=
(@CanFinMixin rul_gr_countType
(prod_finType clause_finType sub)
_ _ rul_gr_repK).
Canonical rul_gr_finType := Eval hnf in FinType rul_gr rul_gr_finMixin.
End rul_gr.
(@CanFinMixin rul_gr_countType
(prod_finType clause_finType sub)
_ _ rul_gr_repK).
Canonical rul_gr_finType := Eval hnf in FinType rul_gr rul_gr_finMixin.
End rul_gr.
A semantic tree is a tree with bounded width bn (the maximal size of
the body of clause),
- nodes are in rul_gr ie. pairs of clause and substitution
- leaves are ground atoms (from the interpretation).
force typing
Get the head node label (ie. the last clause and substitution)
Definition tst_node_head (t : trace_sem_trees) := match (val t) with
| ABLeaf _ ⇒ None
| ABNode h _ ⇒ Some h end.
| ABLeaf _ ⇒ None
| ABNode h _ ⇒ Some h end.
Deduced term: either the fact or the head atom of the last clause grounded by the substitution.
Definition ded def (t : trace_sem_trees) := match (val t) with
| ABLeaf f ⇒ f
| ABNode (RS (Clause h _) s) _ ⇒ gr_atom_def def s h end.
| ABLeaf f ⇒ f
| ABNode (RS (Clause h _) s) _ ⇒ gr_atom_def def s h end.
translate a set of traces in an interpretation
Definition sem_tree_to_inter def (ts : {set trace_sem_trees}) : interp := [set ded def x | x in ts].
Checks that the deduction from the traces is equal to ghe atoms grounded by the supplied substitution.
This is what is the relation existing begween the children of a trace node and the body of the clause associated to that node
Definition ded_sub_equal (def : syntax.constant) (lx : seq trace_sem_trees) (s : sub) (ats : seq atom) :=
(map (ded def) lx) == (map (gr_atom_def def s) ats).
(map (ded def) lx) == (map (gr_atom_def def s) ats).
Computes the traces representing the consequence of a clause
from the traces representing the current interpretation
Definition cons_clause_t def (cl : clause) (k : {set trace_sem_trees}) : {set trace_sem_trees} :=
let b := (body_cl cl) in
let subs := match_body (sem_tree_to_inter def k) b in
pset [set (wutree_option_fst (@wu_pcons_seq rul_gr_finType gatom_finType bn gat_def (RS cl s) lx))
| lx : (size b).-tuple trace_sem_trees,
s : sub in subs &
(ded_sub_equal def lx s b &&
all (mem k) lx)].
let b := (body_cl cl) in
let subs := match_body (sem_tree_to_inter def k) b in
pset [set (wutree_option_fst (@wu_pcons_seq rul_gr_finType gatom_finType bn gat_def (RS cl s) lx))
| lx : (size b).-tuple trace_sem_trees,
s : sub in subs &
(ded_sub_equal def lx s b &&
all (mem k) lx)].
A member of the consequences of the clause is an ABnode labelled by (cl, s) where s is a substitution
Lemma cons_clause_h def cl k (xtrace : trace_sem_trees) :
(xtrace \in cons_clause_t def cl k) → ∃ s, ABroot (val xtrace) = inl (RS cl s).
(xtrace \in cons_clause_t def cl k) → ∃ s, ABroot (val xtrace) = inl (RS cl s).
Trace semantics definition
Initialize the trace semantic from a standard interpretation of the EDB by creating leaf trees.
Definition base_sem_t (i : interp) : {set trace_sem_trees} :=
[set my_tst_sub (wu_pred_leaf x) | x in i].
[set my_tst_sub (wu_pred_leaf x) | x in i].
the forward chain step for the trace semantics.
Definition fwd_chain_t def (k : {set trace_sem_trees}) : {set trace_sem_trees} :=
k :|: \bigcup_(cl <- p) cons_clause_t def cl k.
k :|: \bigcup_(cl <- p) cons_clause_t def cl k.
interp_t is the equivalent of interp for the trace semantics
The m iterate of the semantics
Definition sem_t (def : syntax.constant) (m : nat) (i : interp) :=
iter m (fwd_chain_t def) (base_sem_t i).
iter m (fwd_chain_t def) (base_sem_t i).
The leaf trees in the semantics are the ground atoms of the initial
Lemma sem_t_leaf def i ga Htra m : {| wht := ABLeaf rul_gr_finType ga; Hwht := Htra |}
\in sem_t def m i → ga \in i.
\in sem_t def m i → ga \in i.
The result of fwd_chain contains its argument
technical lemma rephrasing the above one
Lemma fwd_chain_t_inc_single (t : trace_sem_trees) (it : interp_t) def : (t \in it) → t \in fwd_chain_t def it.
and the same for fwd_chain
Simple reinterpretation of definition of ded_sub_equal
Lemma ded_sub_equal_equal_to_def l tval def s : (ded_sub_equal def tval s l) = ([seq ded def i | i <- tval] == [seq gr_atom_def def s i | i <- l]).
Trivial technical lemma but inversion was too agressive in the following proof
Lemma simple_cons_eq_inversion {T : Type} (a b : T) (l ll : seq T) : (a::l = b::ll) → (a = b ∧ l = ll).
If applying s on a list l gives a list of ground atom, then using s as a grounding and
applying it to l will also give this list
of ground atoms.
Lemma stail_eq_to_gr_atom_eq (l : seq atom) (def : syntax.constant) (s : sub) (gtl : seq gatom) (H : stail l s = [seq to_atom ga | ga <- gtl]) :
[seq gr_atom (to_gr def s) a | a <- l] = gtl.
[seq gr_atom (to_gr def s) a | a <- l] = gtl.
If applying the substitution gives ground atoms, we have ded_sub_equal without explicit
grounding on the list of atoms l
Lemma ded_gr_equal_stail l (gtailrec : (size l).-tuple trace_sem_trees) def s gtl :
([seq ded def i | i <- gtailrec] = gtl) → (stail l s = [seq to_atom ga | ga <- gtl]) → ded_sub_equal def gtailrec s l.
([seq ded def i | i <- gtailrec] = gtl) → (stail l s = [seq to_atom ga | ga <- gtl]) → ded_sub_equal def gtailrec s l.
There is no new leaf in the consequence of a
Lemma no_deduced_leaf (x : gatom_finType) (def : syntax.constant) (k : {set trace_sem_trees})
(Habs : wutree_fin (wu_leaf x) \in \bigcup_cl cons_clause_t def cl k) : False.
Lemma cons_clause_t_desc def (deduced : {set [finType of trace_sem_trees]}) (h : rul_gr_finType) (l : seq (@ABtree rul_gr_finType gatom_finType))
(t : trace_sem_trees) (Hin : val t \in l)
(Hwup : @wu_pred _ _ bn (ABNode h l)) : (my_tst_sub Hwup
\in \big[setU (T:=[finType of trace_sem_trees])/set0]_cl
cons_clause_t def cl deduced) → t \in deduced.
(Habs : wutree_fin (wu_leaf x) \in \bigcup_cl cons_clause_t def cl k) : False.
Lemma cons_clause_t_desc def (deduced : {set [finType of trace_sem_trees]}) (h : rul_gr_finType) (l : seq (@ABtree rul_gr_finType gatom_finType))
(t : trace_sem_trees) (Hin : val t \in l)
(Hwup : @wu_pred _ _ bn (ABNode h l)) : (my_tst_sub Hwup
\in \big[setU (T:=[finType of trace_sem_trees])/set0]_cl
cons_clause_t def cl deduced) → t \in deduced.
If a tree is in a given step of the trace semantic, so are all its subtrees.
Lemma trace_sem_prev_trees nb_iter def init :
∀ (t1 t2 : trace_sem_trees), t2 \in (sem_t def nb_iter init)
→ subtree (val t1) (val t2) → t1 \in (sem_t def nb_iter init).
∀ (t1 t2 : trace_sem_trees), t2 \in (sem_t def nb_iter init)
→ subtree (val t1) (val t2) → t1 \in (sem_t def nb_iter init).
If a tree is in a given step of the trace semantic, its strict
subtrees are in the previous step.
Lemma trace_sem_prev_trees_m1 nb_iter def init :
∀ (t1 t2 : trace_sem_trees), t2 \in (sem_t def nb_iter init)
→ strict_subtree (val t1) (val t2) → t1 \in (sem_t def nb_iter.-1 init).
∀ (t1 t2 : trace_sem_trees), t2 \in (sem_t def nb_iter init)
→ strict_subtree (val t1) (val t2) → t1 \in (sem_t def nb_iter.-1 init).
Completeness of the trace semantic.
For each atom in the regular semantic, there is a tree in the trace semantic that can be interpreted (it deduces) the atom
Lemma trace_sem_completeness nb_iter def i :
prog_safe p → [∀ x in (sem p def nb_iter i), ∃ y in (sem_t def nb_iter i), ded def y == x].
prog_safe p → [∀ x in (sem p def nb_iter i), ∃ y in (sem_t def nb_iter i), ded def y == x].
Lemma type_preserving_inversion (A B C : finType) (f2 : A → B → C)
(D1 : mem_pred A) (D2 : A → mem_pred B)
: ∀ y : C, imset2_spec f2 D1 D2 y→ (∃ x1 : A, ∃ x2 : B, (in_mem x1 D1 ∧ in_mem x2 (D2 x1) ∧ (y = f2 x1 x2))).
(D1 : mem_pred A) (D2 : A → mem_pred B)
: ∀ y : C, imset2_spec f2 D1 D2 y→ (∃ x1 : A, ∃ x2 : B, (in_mem x1 D1 ∧ in_mem x2 (D2 x1) ∧ (y = f2 x1 x2))).
technical lemma: unification failed with normal setIdP
Lemma setIdP_bool_to_prop {T : finType} (pA pB : pred T) : ∀ x, x \in [set y | pA y & pB y] → ((pA x) ∧ (pB x)).
For all trace in the m step of the trace semantic, its deduced atom is
in the m step of the regular semantics
Lemma trace_sem_soundness nb_iter def i:
prog_safe p → [∀ t in (sem_t def nb_iter i), ded def t \in (sem p def nb_iter i)].
prog_safe p → [∀ t in (sem_t def nb_iter i), ded def t \in (sem p def nb_iter i)].
If we have a node in the trace semantics with (cl, s) as root, then there is an interpretation where the body of cl matches
producing s.
Lemma trace_sem_head_match def cl s l m i Htr :
prog_safe p
→ {| wht := ABNode (RS cl s) l; Hwht := Htr |} \in sem_t def m i
→ [∃ i' : interp, ((s \in match_body i' (body_cl cl)))].
prog_safe p
→ {| wht := ABNode (RS cl s) l; Hwht := Htr |} \in sem_t def m i
→ [∃ i' : interp, ((s \in match_body i' (body_cl cl)))].
technical lemma
Lemma sterm_ga_eq def s aa aga :
[seq sterm s x | x <- aa ] = [seq Val x | x <- aga]
→ aga = [seq gr_term_def def s i | i <- aa].
[seq sterm s x | x <- aa ] = [seq Val x | x <- aga]
→ aga = [seq gr_term_def def s i | i <- aa].
technical lemma
Lemma stail_ded_eq cl s gtl def :
stail (body_cl cl) s = [seq to_atom ga | ga <- gtl]
→ [seq gr_atom_def def s i | i <- body_cl cl] =
[seq ded def i | i <- [seq my_tst_sub (x:=ABLeaf rul_gr x) (wu_pred_leaf x) | x <- gtl]].
stail (body_cl cl) s = [seq to_atom ga | ga <- gtl]
→ [seq gr_atom_def def s i | i <- body_cl cl] =
[seq ded def i | i <- [seq my_tst_sub (x:=ABLeaf rul_gr x) (wu_pred_leaf x) | x <- gtl]].
technical lemma
Lemma all_mem_edb_tst gtl (i : interp) :
all (mem i) gtl →
all (mem [set my_tst_sub (x:=ABLeaf rul_gr x) (wu_pred_leaf x) | x in i])
[seq my_tst_sub (x:=ABLeaf rul_gr_finType x) (wu_pred_leaf x) | x <- gtl].
all (mem i) gtl →
all (mem [set my_tst_sub (x:=ABLeaf rul_gr x) (wu_pred_leaf x) | x in i])
[seq my_tst_sub (x:=ABLeaf rul_gr_finType x) (wu_pred_leaf x) | x <- gtl].
Let p be safe, forall clause cl of p,
and substitution s result of matching cl
against the standard semantics of p at step
m, then there is a trace t in the (m+1)
trace-semantics of p whose head is (cl,s)
Lemma trace_sem_completeness_b def m i: prog_safe p →
[∀ cl:clause in p, [∀ s:sub in match_body (sem p def m i) (body_cl cl),
[∃ t in sem_t def m.+1 i, (tst_node_head t) == Some (RS cl s)]]].
[∀ cl:clause in p, [∀ s:sub in match_body (sem p def m i) (body_cl cl),
[∃ t in sem_t def m.+1 i, (tst_node_head t) == Some (RS cl s)]]].
Lemma tr_cl_in (tr : trace_sem_trees) def cl s m i:
tr \in sem_t def m i
→ ABroot (val tr) = inl (RS cl s)
→ cl \in p.
tr \in sem_t def m i
→ ABroot (val tr) = inl (RS cl s)
→ cl \in p.
For a safe program (for the heads), and
any trace in the semantics, if its interpretation is an EDB predicate, then
the trace is a leaf.
Lemma sem_t_Edb_pred def k i (tr : trace_sem_trees) ga :
tr \in sem_t def k i
→ prog_safe_hds p
→ ded def tr = ga
→ predtype (sym_gatom ga) = Edb
→ ∃ gab, wht tr = (ABLeaf rul_gr gab).
tr \in sem_t def k i
→ prog_safe_hds p
→ ded def tr = ga
→ predtype (sym_gatom ga) = Edb
→ ∃ gab, wht tr = (ABLeaf rul_gr gab).
For a safe interpretation (an EDB), and
any trace in the semantics, if its interpretation is an IDB predicate, then
the trace is an internal node.
Lemma sem_t_Idb_pred def k i (tr : trace_sem_trees) ga :
tr \in sem_t def k i
→ safe_edb i
→ ded def tr = ga
→ predtype (sym_gatom ga) = Idb
→ ∃ clsb, ∃ descs, wht tr = (ABNode clsb descs).
tr \in sem_t def k i
→ safe_edb i
→ ded def tr = ga
→ predtype (sym_gatom ga) = Idb
→ ∃ clsb, ∃ descs, wht tr = (ABNode clsb descs).
Utility lemmas relating tocc and the trace
we find in the semantics If we have a program with safe heads (no edb pred) and we have a trace in the semantics whose root is clause cl. If we have an occurrence, that points to a term of this clause and is on an atom that is an EDB predicate, then this will appear as a leaf in the direct children of the trace.
Lemma edb_in_sem_t_descs def cl s descs Hwht f (tocc : t_occ_finType p) k (i : interp) :
{| wht := ABNode (RS cl s) descs; Hwht := Hwht |}
\in sem_t def k i
→ prog_safe_hds p
→ nth_error p (r_ind tocc) = Some cl
→ p_at tocc = Some f
→ predtype f = Edb
→ ∃ ga, nth_error descs (b_ind tocc) = Some (@ABLeaf _ _ ga).
{| wht := ABNode (RS cl s) descs; Hwht := Hwht |}
\in sem_t def k i
→ prog_safe_hds p
→ nth_error p (r_ind tocc) = Some cl
→ p_at tocc = Some f
→ predtype f = Edb
→ ∃ ga, nth_error descs (b_ind tocc) = Some (@ABLeaf _ _ ga).
Same as above, but with an IDB predicate, in that case, the child must be an internal node and its
head symbol must be the IDB predicate found
Lemma idb_in_sem_t_descs def cl s descs Hwht f (tocc : t_occ_finType p) k (i : interp) :
{| wht := ABNode (RS cl s) descs; Hwht := Hwht |}
\in sem_t def k i
→ safe_edb i
→ nth_error p (r_ind tocc) = Some cl
→ p_at tocc = Some f
→ predtype f = Idb
→ ∃ clsb, ∃ descsb, hsym_cl (rul_gr_rep clsb).1 = f ∧
nth_error descs (b_ind tocc) = Some (@ABNode _ _ clsb descsb).
End trace_sem_trees.
End tSemantics.
{| wht := ABNode (RS cl s) descs; Hwht := Hwht |}
\in sem_t def k i
→ safe_edb i
→ nth_error p (r_ind tocc) = Some cl
→ p_at tocc = Some f
→ predtype f = Idb
→ ∃ clsb, ∃ descsb, hsym_cl (rul_gr_rep clsb).1 = f ∧
nth_error descs (b_ind tocc) = Some (@ABNode _ _ clsb descsb).
End trace_sem_trees.
End tSemantics.