CassandraCluster Status
You can request kubernetes Object cassandracluster
representing the Cassandra cluster to retrieve information about
it's status :
The CassandraCluster prints out it's whole status.
- seedlist: it is the Cassandra SEED List used in the Cluster.
- Phase : it's the global state for the cassandra cluster which can have different values :
- Initialization, we just launched a new cluster, and waiting for its requested state
- Running, the cluster is running normally
- Pending, the number of Nodes requested has changed, waiting for reconciliation
- lastClusterAction Is the Last Action at the Cluster level
- lastClusterActionStatus Is the Last Action Status at the Cluster level
- CassandraNodeStatus: represents a map of (hostId, Ip Node) couple for each Pod in the Cluster
- ${Cassandra node pod's name}
- HostId: the cassandra node's hostId
- IpNode: the cassandra node's ip
- ${Cassandra node pod's name}
- CassandraRackStatus represents a map of statuses for each of the Cassandra Racks in the Cluster
- ${Cassandra DC-Rack Name}
- Cassandra Last Action: it's an action which is ongoing on the Cassandra cluster :
- Name: name of the Action
- UpdateConfigMap a new ConfigMap has been submitted to the cluster
- UpdateDockerImage a new Docker Image has been submitted to the cluster
- UpdateSeedList a new SeedList must be deployed on the cluster
- UpdateResources CassKop must apply new resources values for it's statefulsets
- RollingRestart CassKop performs a rollingrestart on the target statefulset
- ScaleUp a scale Up has been requested
- ScaleDown a scale Down has been requested.
- UpdateStatefulset a change has been submitted to the statefulset, but CassKop doesn't know exactly which one.
- Status: status of the Action
- Configuring: Only used for UpdateSeedList, we need to synchronise all statefulset with this operation before starting it
- ToDo: an action is scheduled
- Ongoing: an action is ongoing, see Start Time
- Continue: the action may be continuing (used for ScaleDown)
- Done: the action is Done, see End Time
- Start Time: time of start of the operation
- End Time: time of end of the operation
- Name: name of the Action
- Pod Last Operation: it's an operation done at Pod Level
- Name: Name of the Operation
- decommissioning: a nodetool decommissioning must be performed on a pod
- cleanup: a nodetool cleanup must be performed on a pod
- rebuild: a nodetool rebuild must be performed on a pod
- upgradesstables: a nodetool upgradesstables must be performed on a pod
- Status:
- Manual: an operation is recommended to be scheduled by a human
- ToDo: an operation is scheduled
- Ongoing: an operation is ongoing, see start time
- Done: an operation is done, see end time
- Pods: list of Pods on which the operation is ongoing
- PodsOK: list of Pods on which the operation is done
- PodsKO: list of Pods on which the operation has not been completed correctly
- Start Time: time of start for an operation
- End Time: time of end for an operation
- Name: Name of the Operation
- Cassandra Last Action: it's an action which is ongoing on the Cassandra cluster :
- ${Cassandra DC-Rack Name}
When Status=Done for each Rack, then there is no specific action ongoing on the cluster and the lastClusterActionStatus will turn also to Done.