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UUV Assistant


Mouse navigation

screenshots of mouse navigation The UUV assistant can be used to generate UUV phrases for mouse behaviour.

Sentences can be used to check the presence of elements in the HTML DOM, to perform mouse click actions, or to put a mouse focus on an element.

If the sentences have neither a name nor an accessible role, an alert is raised in the results gutter.

Keyboard navigation

screenshots of keyboard navigation The UUV assistant can be used to generate UUV phrases for keyboard behaviour.

The sentences are used to check the actual order of keyboard navigation and generate checks sentences accordingly.

Online demo

The online demo is available here.



NPM Package

Npm/Yarn will need access to the internet when installing the @uuv/assistant library.

Run the following command :

npm install --save-dev @uuv/assistant

Desktop executable

  1. Download executable using the following button :

  2. Unzip the downloaded zip file


NPM Package

npx uuv-assistant --targetUrl=<targetUrl>
targetUrlTarget website url

Desktop executable

Execute uuv-assistant.exe from the unzipped folder