List item

Lists are continuous, vertical indexes of text or images.

Page Summary

Specifications references


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Here we just propose a configuration for two types of list items:

  • Standard with trailing actions
  • Selection with trailing icons (selection indicators)

All items are composed of:

  • Title
  • Subtitle (optional)
  • Leading icon (optional)

The leading icon is :

  • icon or image from resources
  • Image from url. During image loading a placeholder Image is needed. Three kinds of shape are proposed (circular, square or wide).

Standard list item

For standard items, trailing icons can be added. Two types of icons are proposed:

  • with text
  • with text and info button to make an action

List item standard square light List item standard square dark

The standard item can be used in a NavigationLink (for example, display more details)

SwiftUI example

// Build the List view using ODSListItem withount navigation
List {
    // Items without navigation   
    ODSListItem(title: Text("Title Only")).odsListItemStyle()
    ODSListItem(title: Text("Title with subtitle"), subtitle: Text("subtitle")).odsListItemStyle()    
    ODSListItem(title: Text("Title with leading icon"), leading: .icon(Image(systemName: "heart"))).odsListItemStyle()
    ODSListItem(title: Text("Title with trailing text"), trailingText: Text("Details")).odsListItemStyle()
    ODSListItem(title: Text("Title with trailing text and info button"), trailingText: Text("Details")) {
        // Add info button action here

    // Item with navigation
    NavigationLink {
        Text("The destination view")
    } label: {
        ODSListItem(title: Text("Title without trailing element"))
    NavigationLink {
        Text("The destination view")
    } label: {
        ODSListItem(title: Text("Title with trailing text"), trailingText: Text("Details"))
    NavigationLink {
        Text("The destination view")
    } label: {
        ODSListItem(title: Text("Title with trailing text and info button"), trailingText: Text("Details")) {
            // Add info button action here

Selection list item

List item slection circle light List item slection circle dark

The selection list items can be used to enumerate data as list in order to select elements.

SwiftUI example

struct MyMultipleOptionsSelection: View {

    @State private var optionA: Bool = false
    @State private var optionB: Bool = false
    var body: some View {
        List {
                title: Text("Option A"),
                subtitle: Text("Option A description"),
                trailingCheckmarkIsSelected: optionA
            .onTapGesture {

                title: Text("Option B"),
                subtitle: Text("Option B description"),
                trailingCheckmarkIsSelected: optionB
            .onTapGesture {


Parameter Default value Description
title: Text   The primary text of the list item.
subtitle: Text? nil The secondary (optional) text of the list item.
subtitleNumberOfLines: SubtitleNumberOfLines? .one To limit the subtitle text to 1 or 2 lines.
leading: Self.Leading? nil The leading icon (optional) of the list item.
trailing: Self.Trailing? nil The trailing element (optional) of the list item.

Note 1: Don’t forget, if item is used in a NavigationLink, a chevron is automatically added by the system. For design purpose it is NOT recommended to add item with trailingCheckmarkIsSelected and trailingToggleIsOn parameters in a NavigationLink.

Note 2:Don’t forget to apply the style on:

  • ODSListItem if it is not used with NavigationLink.
  • NavigationLink if ODSListItem is its label.