App bars: top

Top app bars display information and actions relating to the current screen.

On this page

Specifications references


Please follow accessibility criteria for development.

OdsTopAppBar provides accessibility support for the navigation icon, action items, overflow menu and more for informing the user as to what each action performs.


Regular top app bar

Jetpack Compose

Add OdsTopAppBar composable to your Scaffold topBar. Here is an example of use:

    title = "Title",
    navigationIcon = OdsTopAppBar.NavigationIcon(
        painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_back),
        contentDescription = "content description",
        onClick = { doSomething() }
    actions = listOf(
            painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_share),
            contentDescription = "content description",
            onClick = { doSomething() }
        // ...
    overflowMenuItems = listOf(
            text = "Text",
            onClick = { doSomething() }
        // ...

Note: By default, the OdsTopAppBar is elevated but you can set elevated parameter to false if you don’t want any shadow below it (for example if you want to display tabs below).

OdsTopAppBar API
Parameter Default value Description
title: String   Title to be displayed in the center of the top app bar
modifier: Modifier Modifier Modifier to be applied to the top app bar
navigationIcon: OdsTopAppBar.NavigationIcon? null Icon to be displayed at the start of the top app bar
actions: List<OdsTopAppBar.ActionButton> emptyList() Actions to be displayed at the end of the top app bar. The default layout here is a Row, so icons inside will be placed horizontally.
overflowMenuItems: List<OdsDropdownMenu.Item> emptyList() List of items displayed in the overflow menu. The top app bar uses OdsDropdownMenu to display its overflow menu.
elevated: Boolean true Controls the elevation of the top app bar: true to set an elevation to the top app bar (a shadow is displayed below), false otherwise

Large top app bar

Jetpack Compose

First, you have to add this line in your application build.gradle.kts file cause this component relies on Compose Material 3 implementation:

implementation("androidx.compose.material3:material3:<version number>")

Then you can add OdsLargeTopAppBar composable to your Scaffold topBar:

    title = "Title",
    navigationIcon = OdsTopAppBar.NavigationIcon(
        painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_back),
        contentDescription = "content description",
        onClick = { doSomething() }
    actions = listOf(
            painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_share),
            contentDescription = "content description",
            onClick = { doSomething() }
        // ...
    overflowMenuItems = listOf(
            text = "Text",
            onClick = { doSomething() }
        // ...
    scrollBehavior = null // See below to attach a scroll behavior and make the top app bar collapsible

If you want a collapsible large top app bar, you can follow these steps:

1 - Define the scroll behavior to use:

val scrollBehavior = TopAppBarDefaults.exitUntilCollapsedScrollBehavior(rememberTopAppBarState())

2 - Provide this scrollBehavior to the OdsLargeTopAppBar and as a modifier of your Scaffold in order to listen to the scroll event

    modifier = Modifier.nestedScroll(scrollBehavior.nestedScrollConnection),
    topBar = {
            scrollBehavior = scrollBehavior,
) {
    // Scaffold content
OdsLargeTopAppBar API
Parameter Default value Description
title: String   Title displayed in the center of the top app bar
modifier: Modifier Modifier Modifier applied to the top app bar
navigationIcon: OdsTopAppBar.NavigationIcon? null Icon displayed at the start of the top app bar
actions: List<OdsTopAppBar.ActionButton> emptyList() Actions displayed at the end of the top app bar. The default layout here is a Row, so icons inside will be placed horizontally.
overflowMenuItems: List<OdsDropdownMenu.Item> emptyList() List of items displayed in the overflow menu. The top app bar uses OdsDropdownMenu to display its overflow menu.
scrollBehavior: TopAppBarScrollBehavior? null TopAppBarScrollBehavior attached to the top app bar

Search top app bar

Jetpack Compose

Add OdsSearchTopAppBar composable to your Scaffold topBar. Here is an example of use:

    placeholder = "Enter text to search",
    value = TextFieldValue(),
    onValueChange = { value -> doSomethingWith(value) },
    navigationIcon = OdsTopAppBar.NavigationIcon(
        painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_back),
        contentDescription = "content description",
        onClick = { doSomething() }
OdsSearchTopAppBar API
Parameter Default value Description
placeholder: String   Text placeholder displayed in the search text field when search value is empty
value: TextFieldValue   Value of the search text field
onValueChange: (TextFieldValue) -> Unit   Callback invoked when the search value changes. The new value is available in parameter.
modifier: Modifier Modifier Modifier to be applied to the search top app bar
navigationIcon: OdsTopAppBar.NavigationIcon? null Icon to be displayed at the start of the top app bar before the text field
elevated: Boolean true Controls the elevation of the top app bar: true to set an elevation to the top app bar (a shadow is displayed below), false otherwise