List items

Lists are continuous, vertical indexes of text or images.

On this page

Specifications references


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Single-line list

There are multiple display possibilities for a single-line list, where leading can optionally be an icon, a circular, a square or a wide image.

Here are two examples:

  • with a wide image and a checkbox

    Lists single-line wide image Lists single-line wide image dark

  • with a standard icon and a checkbox

    Lists single-line Lists single-line dark

Please note that there is no start padding with wide images.

Jetpack Compose

The library offers the OdsListItem composable to display lists items.

The OdsListItem composable allows you to display a leading icon using the leadingIcon parameter of the OdsListItem method, as well as a trailing element (either a checkbox, a switch, a radio button, an icon or a caption text) using the trailing parameter.

    modifier = Modifier.clickable { doSomething() },
    text = "Primary text",
    leadingIcon = OdsListItem.LeadingIcon(
        painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_heart),
    trailing = OdsListItem.TrailingCheckbox(checked) { checked != checked },
    divider = true
OdsListItem API
Parameter Default value Description
text: String   The primary text of the list item
modifier: Modifier Modifier Modifier to be applied to the list item
leadingIcon: OdsListItem.LeadingIcon? null The leading supporting visual of the list item
secondaryText: String? null The secondary text of the list item
secondaryTextLineCount: OdsListItem.SecondaryTextLineCount OdsListItem.SecondaryTextLineCount.One Indicates the lines number for the secondary text. If longer, it will be truncated.
overlineText: String? null The text displayed above the primary text
trailing: OdsListItem.Trailing? null The trailing content to display at the end of the list item
divider: Boolean false Whether or not a divider is displayed at the bottom of the list item
onClick: (() -> Unit)? null Will be called when the user clicks the list item. This parameter only has an effect if trailing is OdsListItem.TrailingIcon or null.

Two-line list

Like single-line list, two-line list leading can optionally be an icon, a circular, a square or a wide image.

Here are two examples:

  • with a wide image and a checkbox

    Lists two-line wide image Lists two-line wide image dark

  • with a standard icon and a checkbox

    Lists two-line Lists two-line dark

Jetpack Compose

The only difference with the single-line implementation is that the secondaryText property of OdsListItem is not null.

    modifier = Modifier.clickable { doSomething() },
    text = "Primary text",
    secondaryText = "Secondary text",
    leadingIcon = OdsListItem.LeadingIcon(
        painterResource(id = R.drawable.placeholder, "")
    trailing = OdsListItem.TrailingIcon(
        painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_drag_handle),
        "Drag item"
    divider = true

Use OdsListItem API.

Three-line list

Like single-line list, three-line list leading can optionally be an icon, a circular, a square or a wide image.

Here are two examples:

  • with a wide image and a checkbox

    Lists three-line wide image Lists three-line wide image dark

  • with a standard icon and a checkbox

    Lists three-line Lists three-line dark

Jetpack Compose

The only difference with the two-line implementation is that the secondaryTextLineCount property of OdsListItem is set to OdsListItem.SecondaryTextLineCount.Two.

    modifier = Modifier.clickable { doSomething() },
    text = "Primary text",
    secondaryText = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.",
    secondaryTextLineCount = OdsListItem.SecondaryTextLineCount.Two,
    leadingIcon = OdsListItem.LeadingIcon(
        painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.placeholder),
    trailing = OdsListItem.TrailingCaption("Caption"),
    divider = true

Use OdsListItem API.