Text fields

Text fields let users enter and edit text.

On this page

Specifications references


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Android’s text field component APIs support both label text and helper text for informing the user as to what information is requested for a text field.


Text field #

A text field can be filled or outlined.
The outlined version is more accessible in term of contrast. This is the reason why Orange text fields are outlined.

TextField outlined light
TextField outlined dark

TextField filled light
TextField filled dark

Jetpack Compose

To add a text field in your composable screen you can use the OdsTextField composable as follow:

var text by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf("") }
    leadingIcon = OdsTextField.LeadingIcon(
        painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_heart),
    ) { doSomething() },
    trailing = OdsTextField.TrailingText(text = "units"), // It can be one of the provided `OdsTextField.Trailing`. See more information below.
    enabled = true,
    readOnly = false,
    isError = false,
    errorMessage = "Error message",
    value = text,
    onValueChange = { text = it },
    label = "Label",
    placeholder = "Placeholder",
    visualTransformation = VisualTransformation.None,
    keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions.Default,
    keyboardActions = KeyboardActions(),
    singleLine = false,
    maxLines = Int.MAX_VALUE,
    characterCounter = OdsTextFieldCharacterCounter(
        characterCount = characterCount,
        maxCharacterCount = 20,
        enabled = true

The library provides several OdsTextField.Trailing that you can use as trailing element for text field:

  • OdsTextField.TrailingIcon: Displays an icon as trailing element
  • OdsTextField.TrailingText: Displays a text as trailing element

Note: You will find more information about the character counter in Extras

OdsTextField API #
Parameter Default value Description
value: String   Input text to be shown in the text field
onValueChange: (String) -> Unit   Callback that is triggered when the input service updates the text. An updated text comes as a parameter of the callback.
modifier: Modifier Modifier Modifier applied to this text field
trailing: OdsTextField.Trailing? null Trailing element to display at the end of the text field
enabled: Boolean true Controls the enabled state of the text field. When false, the text field will be neither editable nor focusable, the input of the text field will not be selectable, visually text field will appear in the disabled UI state.
readOnly: Boolean false Controls the editable state of the text field. When true, the text field can not be modified, however, a user can focus it and copy text from it. Read-only text fields are usually used to display pre-filled forms that user can not edit.
label: String? null Label to be displayed inside or outside the text field. The default text style used is OdsTypography.bodyS when the text field is in focus and OdsTypography.titleM when the text field is not in focus.
placeholder: String? null Placeholder to be displayed when the text field is in focus and the input text is empty. The default text style for internal Text is OdsTypography.titleM.
leadingIcon: OdsTextField.LeadingIcon? null Icon displayed at the beginning of the text field container
isError: Boolean false Indicates if the text field’s current value is in error state. If set to true, the text field outline and the error message will be displayed in error color.
errorMessage: String? null Message displayed below the text field when it is in error
visualTransformation: VisualTransformation VisualTransformation.None Transforms the visual representation of the input value. For example, you can use PasswordVisualTransformation to create a password text field. By default no visual transformation is applied.
keyboardOptions: KeyboardOptions KeyboardOptions.Default Software keyboard options that contains configuration such as KeyboardType and ImeAction
keyboardActions: KeyboardActions KeyboardActions() When the input service emits an IME action, the corresponding callback is called. Note that this IME action may be different from what you specified in KeyboardOptions.imeAction.
singleLine: Boolean false When set to true, this text field becomes a single horizontally scrolling text field instead of wrapping onto multiple lines. The keyboard will be informed to not show the return key as the ImeAction. Note that maxLines parameter will be ignored as the maxLines attribute will be automatically set to 1.
maxLines: Int Int.MAX_VALUE Maximum number of visible lines. Should be equal or greater than 1. Note that this parameter will be ignored and instead maxLines will be set to 1 if singleLine is set to true.
characterCounter: OdsTextFieldCharacterCounter? null Character counter displayed below the text field

Password text field #

Password text field is a text field implementation that includes password visual transformation and optional visualisation icon.

TextField outlined password light
TextField outlined password dark

TextField filled password light
TextField filled password dark

Jetpack Compose

To add a password text field in your composable screen you can use the OdsPasswordTextField composable as follow:

var text by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf("") }
    enabled = true,
    readOnly = false,
    isError = false,
    errorMessage = "Error message",
    value = text,
    onValueChange = { text = it },
    label = "Label",
    placeholder = "Placeholder",
    visualisationIcon = true,
    keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions.Default,
    keyboardActions = KeyboardActions(),
    characterCounter = OdsTextFieldCharacterCounter(
        characterCount = characterCount,
        maxCharacterCount = TextFieldMaxCharacterCount,
        enabled = enabled

Note: This composable relies on OdsTextField in order to keep homogeneity in each application. Its appearance (outlined or filled) is inherited from text fields style configuration. See text field section if you want to change it in your custom theme.

OdsPasswordTextField API #
Parameter Default value Description
value: String   Input text to be shown in the text field
onValueChange: (String) -> Unit   Callback that is triggered when the input service updates the text. An updated text comes as a parameter of the callback.
modifier: Modifier Modifier Modifier applied to this text field
enabled: Boolean true Controls the enabled state of the text field. When false, the text field will be neither editable nor focusable, the input of the text field will not be selectable, visually text field will appear in the disabled UI state.
readOnly: Boolean false Controls the editable state of the text field. When true, the text field can not be modified, however, a user can focus it and copy text from it. Read-only text fields are usually used to display pre-filled forms that user can not edit.
label: String? null Label to be displayed inside or outside the text field. The default text style used is OdsTypography.bodyS when the text field is in focus and OdsTypography.titleM when the text field is not in focus.
placeholder: String? null Placeholder to be displayed when the text field is in focus and the input text is empty. The default text style for internal Text is OdsTypography.titleM.
visualisationIcon: Boolean true Controls the display of the eye icon to allow showing/hiding password
isError: Boolean false Indicates if the text field’s current value is in error state. If set to true, the text field outline and the error message will be displayed in error color.
errorMessage: String? null Message displayed below the text field when it is in error
keyboardOptions: KeyboardOptions KeyboardOptions.Default Software keyboard options that contains configuration such as KeyboardType and ImeAction
keyboardActions: KeyboardActions KeyboardActions() When the input service emits an IME action, the corresponding callback is called. Note that this IME action may be different from what you specified in KeyboardOptions.imeAction.
characterCounter: OdsTextFieldCharacterCounter? null Character counter displayed below the text field


Character counter #

TextField character counter light
TextField character counter dark

Jetpack Compose

In each TextField component, you can use the characterCounter parameter to add a character counter if there is a restriction on the number of characters in a field.
It will be placed properly below the text field, end aligned.

Use the OdsTextFieldCharacterCounter class for this behavior as shown below:

    modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.End),
    characterCount = characterCount,
    maxCharacterCount = 20,
    enabled = true

Be careful, the limitation behavior should be managed by yourself in the onValueChange method of the text field:

if (text.length <= TextFieldMaxCharacterCount) {
    value = text
OdsTextFieldCharacterCounter #
Parameter Default value Description
characterCount: Int   Text field current characters count.
maxCharacterCount: Int   Maximum number of characters to display in the counter. Note: the limitation behavior should be managed by yourself in the onValueChange method of the text field.
enabled: Boolean true Controls the enable state of the counter. If set to false the text will be displayed in disabled color.

Custom theme configuration

You can override the default display of text fields in your custom theme by overriding the textFieldStyle attribute as below:

override val components: OdsComponentsConfiguration
    get() = object : OdsComponentsConfiguration() {
        override val textFieldStyle: ComponentStyle
            get() = ComponentStyle.Filled