
Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.

On this page

Specifications references


Please follow accessibility criteria for development.

ODS buttons support accessibility criteria and are readable by most screen readers, such as TalkBack.

Content descriptions for icons are unnecessary in the case of buttons containing text. For other buttons types, such as OdsIconButton, icons content descriptions are mandatory in the APIs.


Contained button

Contained buttons are high-emphasis, distinguished by their use of elevation and fill. They contain actions that are primary to your app.

ContainedButton ContainedButton dark

Functional positive:

ContainedButton positive light ContainedButton positive dark

Functional negative:

ContainedButton negative light ContainedButton negative dark

Jetpack Compose

Use the OdsButton composable:

    text = "Contained button",
    onClick = { doSomething() },
    enabled = true,
    icon = OdsButton.Icon(painterResource(R.drawable.ic_coffee)) // Line can be removed if you don't need any icon

To display a primary button or a functional green/red button, you need to pass an OdsButton.Style through the style parameter:

    text = "Positive button",
    onClick = { doSomething() },
    enabled = true,
    icon = OdsButton.Icon(painterResource(R.drawable.ic_coffee)), // Line can be removed if you don't need any icon
    style = OdsButton.Style.FunctionalPositive
OdsButton API
Parameter Default value Description
text: String   Text displayed into the button
onClick: () -> Unit   Callback invoked when the button is clicked
modifier: Modifier Modifier Modifier applied to the button
icon: OdsButton.Icon? null Icon displayed in the button before the text
enabled: Boolean true Controls the enabled state of the button. When false, this button will not be clickable.
style: OdsButton.Style OdsButton.Style.Default Style applied to the button. Set it to OdsButton.Style.Primary for an highlighted button style or use OdsButton.Style.FunctionalPositive/ OdsButton.Style.FunctionalNegative for a functional green/red button style.


In your layout, use the OdsButton view.

Set odsButtonStyle attribute to:

  • primary for a primary background color
  • functional_positive for a positive background color
  • functional_negative for a negative background color
  • standard for a default background color

You can also force the button display in light or dark theme using invertedTheme boolean attribute. By default (false value), the appearance applied is based on the system night mode value.

    app:text="Contained button"
    app:invertedTheme="false" />

Text button

Text buttons are typically used for less-pronounced actions, including those located in dialogs and cards. In cards, text buttons help maintain an emphasis on card content.

TextButton TextButton dark

Jetpack Compose

Use the OdsTextButton composable:

    text = "Text button",
    onClick = { doSomething() },
    enabled = true,
    icon = OdsButton.Icon(painterResource(R.drawable.ic_coffee)), // Line can be removed if you don't need any icon
    style = OdsTextButton.Style.Primary
OdsTextButton API
Parameter Default value Description
text: String   Text displayed into the button
onClick: () -> Unit   Callback invoked on button click
modifier: Modifier Modifier Modifier applied to the button
icon: OdsButton.Icon? null Icon displayed in the button before the text
enabled: Boolean true Controls the enabled state of the button. When false, this button will not be clickable.
style: OdsTextButton.Style OdsTextButton.Style.Default Style applied to the button. By default onSurface color is used for text color. Use OdsTextButton.Style.Primary for an highlighted text color.


In your layout, use the OdsTextButton view.

Set odsTextButtonStyle attribute to:

  • primary for a primary colored text button
  • standard for a default colored text button

You can also force the button display in light or dark theme using invertedTheme boolean attribute. By default (false value), the appearance applied is based on the system night mode value.

    app:text="Text button"
    app:invertedTheme="true" />

Outlined button

Outlined buttons are medium-emphasis buttons. They contain actions that are important, but aren’t the primary action in an app.

ButtonOutlined ButtonOutlined dark

Jetpack Compose

Use the OdsOutlinedButton composable:

    text = "Outlined button",
    onClick = {},
    enabled = true,
    icon = OdsButton.Icon(painterResource(R.drawable.ic_coffee)) // Line can be removed if you don't need any icon
OdsOutlinedButton API
Parameter Default value Description
text: String   Text displayed into the button
onClick: () -> Unit   Callback invoked on button click
modifier: Modifier Modifier Modifier applied to the button
icon: OdsButton.Icon? null Icon displayed in the button before the text
enabled: Boolean true Controls the enabled state of the button. When false, the button is not clickable.


In your layout, use the OdsOutlinedButton view.

You can also force the button display in light or dark theme using invertedTheme boolean attribute. By default (false value), the appearance applied is based on the system night mode value.

    app:text="Outlined button"
    app:invertedTheme="false" />

Text toggle buttons group

A group of text toggle buttons. Only one option in a group of toggle buttons can be selected and active at a time. Selecting one option deselects any other.

Button text toggle group light Button text toggle group dark

Jetpack Compose

Use the OdsTextToggleButtonsRow composable:

    selectedTextButtonIndex = 0,
    textButtons = listOf(
            { doSomething() }, // Do something like changing selectedTextButtonIndex to refresh composable with new selection
            { doSomething() }, // Do something like changing selectedTextButtonIndex to refresh composable with new selection
    sameItemsWeight = false
OdsTextToggleButtonsRow API
Parameter Default value Description
selectedTextButtonIndex: Int   The index of the currently selected text button.
textButtons: List<OdsTextToggleButtonsRow.TextButton>   List of [OdsTextToggleButtonsRow.TextButton] displayed into the toggle group.
modifier: Modifier Modifier Modifier applied to the toggle buttons row
sameItemsWeight: Boolean false Controls the place occupied by each item. When true, same weight of importance will be applied to each item, they will occupy the same width.

Icon button

An icon button is a clickable icon, used to represent actions. This component is typically used inside an App Bar for the navigation icon / actions.

OdsIconButton OdsIconButton dark

Jetpack Compose

Use the OdsIconButton composable:

    icon = OdsIconButton.Icon(
        painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_ui_light_mode),
        stringResource(id = R.string.theme_changer_icon_content_description_light)
    onClick = { doSomething() },
OdsIconButton API
Parameter Default value Description
icon: OdsIconButton.Icon   Icon to be drawn into the button
onClick: () -> Unit   Callback to be invoked when the button is clicked
modifier: Modifier Modifier Modifier to be applied to the button
enabled: Boolean true Controls the enabled state of the button. When false, this button will not be clickable.


In your layout, use the OdsIconButton view.

You can also force the icon button display in light or dark theme using invertedTheme boolean attribute. By default (false value), the appearance applied is based on the system night mode value.

    app:invertedTheme="true" />

Icon toggle button

An icon button with two states, for icons that can be toggled ‘on’ and ‘off’, such as a bookmark icon, or a navigation icon that opens a drawer.

Button icon toggle light Button icon toggle dark

Jetpack Compose

Use the OdsIconToggleButton composable:

    checked = false,
    onCheckedChange = { doSomething() },
    uncheckedIcon = OdsIconButton.Icon(
        "Add to favorites"
    checkedIcon = OdsIconButton.Icon(painterResource(R.drawable.ic_heart), "Remove from favorites")
OdsIconToggleButton API
Parameter Default value Description
checked: Boolean   Controls the checked state of the button
onCheckedChange: (Boolean) -> Unit   Callback invoked when the button is checked
uncheckedIcon: OdsIconButton.Icon   Icon displayed when the button is unchecked
checkedIcon: OdsIconButton.Icon   Icon displayed when the button is checked
modifier: Modifier Modifier Modifier applied to the button
enabled: Boolean true Controls the enabled state of the button. When false, this button will not be clickable.


In your layout, use the OdsIconToggleButton view.

You can also force the icon toggle button display in light or dark theme using invertedTheme boolean attribute. By default (false value), the appearance applied is based on the system night mode value.

    app:checkedIconContentDescription="Password visible"
    app:uncheckedIconContentDescription="Password invisible"
    app:invertedTheme="false" />

Icon toggle buttons group

A group of toggle buttons. Only one option in a group of toggle buttons can be selected and active at a time. Selecting one option deselects any other.

Button icon toggle group light Button icon toggle group dark

Jetpack Compose

Use the OdsIconToggleButtonsRow composable:

    selectedIconButtonIndex = 0,
    iconButtons = listOf(
            painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_restaurant),
            { doSomething() } // Do something like changing selectedIconButtonIndex to refresh composable with new selection
            painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_cooking_pot),
            "Cooking pot",
            { doSomething() } // Do something like changing selectedIconButtonIndex to refresh composable with new selection
            painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_coffee),
            { doSomething() }, // Do something like changing selectedIconButtonIndex to refresh composable with new selection
            enabled = false
OdsIconToggleButtonsRow API
Parameter Default value Description
selectedIconButtonIndex: Int   The index of the currently selected icon button.
iconButtons: List<OdsIconToggleButtonsRow.IconButton>   List of [OdsIconToggleButtonsRow.IconButton] displayed into the toggle group.
modifier: Modifier Modifier Modifier applied to the toggle buttons group


In your layout, use the OdsIconToggleButtonsRow view.

You can also force the icon toggle buttons row display in light or dark theme using invertedTheme boolean attribute. By default (false value), the appearance applied is based on the system night mode value.

    app:invertedTheme="false" />

Add the icons in the OdsIconToggleButtonsRow by code using view binding:

binding.odsIconToggleButtonsRow.icons = listOf(
        painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_cooking_pot),
        contentDescription = "Cooking pot",
        onClick = { doSomething() } // Do something like changing selectedIconButtonIndex to refresh composable with new selection
        painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_coffee),
        contentDescription = "Coffee",
        onClick = { doSomething() } // Do something like changing selectedIconButtonIndex to refresh composable with new selection