App bars: top

Top app bars display information and actions relating to the current screen.

On this page

Specifications references


Please follow accessibility criteria for development.

OdsTopAppBar provides accessibility support for the navigation icon, action items for informing the user as to what each action performs.


Regular top app bar

Flutter implementation

Add OdsTopAppBar to your Scaffold topBar. Here is an example of use:

return OdsAppTopBar(
  title: "App Bar",
  actions: [
    IconButton(icon: const Icon(Icons.color_lens), onPressed: () {})
  navigationIcon: const BackButton(),
OdsTopAppBar API
Parameter Default value Description
title: String   Title to be displayed in the center of the top app bar
navigationIcon: Widget? null Icon to be displayed at the start of the top app bar
actions: List<Widget?> null Actions to be displayed at the end of the top app bar.

Large top app bar

Flutter implementation

Add OdsLargeTopAppBar to your Scaffold topBar. Here is an example of use:

return OdsLargeTopAppBar(
  title: "Large",
  actions: [
    IconButton(icon: const Icon(Icons.color_lens), onPressed: () {})
  navigationIcon: const BackButton(),
  scrollBehavior: SliverList(
    delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
      (BuildContext context, int index) {
        return ListTile(
          title: Text('List item $index'),
      childCount: 20,
OdsLargeTopAppBar API
Parameter Default value Description
title: String   Title to be displayed in the center of the top app bar
navigationIcon: Widget? null Icon to be displayed at the start of the top app bar
actions: List<Widget?> null Actions to be displayed at the end of the top app bar.
scrollBehavior: Widget? null TopAppBarScrollBehavior attached to the top app bar