List items

Lists are continuous, vertical indexes of text or images.

On this page

Specifications references


Soon available


Checkbox list

A ListTile with a Checkbox. In other words, a checkbox with a label. The entire list tile is interactive: tapping anywhere in the tile toggles the checkbox.

Checkbox Checkbox dark

Flutter implementation

The library offers the OdsListCheckbox to display lists items.

In your screen you can use OdsListCheckbox :

return OdsListCheckbox(
  title: "Enabled"
  checked: true,
  onCheckedChange: (Options? value) {},
  enabled: true, // Optional. True by default
  indeterminate: true, // Optional. False by default
OdsListCheckbox API
Parameter Default value Description
title: String   The text of the list item
checked: bool   Controls checked state of the checkbox
onCheckedChange: (bool?)? Callback null Callback invoked on checkbox click. If null, then this is passive and relies entirely on a higher-level component to control the checked state.
enabled: bool? true Controls enabled state of the checkbox. When false, this checkbox will not be clickable.
indeterminate: bool? false Controls enabled state of the checkbox

Switch list

A ListTile with a Switch. In other words, a switch button with a label. The entire list tile is interactive: tapping anywhere in the tile toggles the switch button.

ListsSwitch ListsSwitch dark

Flutter implementation

In your screen you can use:

return OdsListSwitch(
  title: "Enabled",
  checked: true,
  onCheckedChange = { },
  icon: true, // Optional. False by default
  enabled: true, // Optional. True by default

OdsListSwitch API

Parameter Default value Description
title: String   The text of the list item
checked: bool   Controls checked state of the switch
onCheckedChange: (bool?)? Callback null Callback invoked on switch click. If null, then this is passive and relies entirely on a higher-level component to control the checked state.
icon: bool? false Icon displayed in the switch button
enabled: bool? true Controls enabled state of the checkbox. When false, this switch will not be clickable.

RadioButtons list

A ListTile with a Radio Button. In other words, a radio button with a label. The entire list tile is interactive: tapping anywhere in the tile toggles the radio button.

ListsRadioButton ListsRadioButton dark

Flutter implementation

In your screen you can use:

enum Options { option1, option2, option3 }
Options? _selectedOption = Options.option1;

return OdsListRadioButton<Options?>(
  text: "Enabled",
  value: Options.option1,
  groupValue: _selectedOption,
  onCheckedChange: (value) {},

OdsListRadioButton API

Parameter Default value Description
text: String?   The primary content of the list tile
value: T   The value represented by this radio button
groupValue: T?   The currently selected value for a group of radio buttons.
onCheckedChange: ((value: T?) -> Callback)? null Called when the user selects this radio button. The radio button passes [value] as a parameter to this callback. The radio button does not actually change state until the parent widget rebuilds theradio button with the new [groupValue]. If null, the radio button will be displayed as disabled. The provided callback will not be invoked if this radio button is already selected.
enabled: bool? false Controls the enabled state of the radio button. When false, this button will not be clickable.