Bars - navigation

Navigation bar with Orange branding

Page Summary

Specifications references


Please follow accessibility criteria for development


BottomNavigation light

BottomNavigation dark

Flutter implementation

In your screen, use the OdsNavigationBar. It should contain multiple OdsNavigationItems.

Here is an example:

late int selectedIndex = 0;

return OdsNavigationBar(
  selectedIndex: selectedIndex,
  onDestinationSelected: (index) {
    setState(() {
      selectedIndex = index;
  destinations: _destinations,

OdsNavigationItem implementation

You can add a native Flutter icons, an svg or png image : identify the 3 examples based on your need to use icons

Source code:

List<OdsNavigationItem> _destinations(BuildContext context) {
  return [
      context: context,
      label: "Cooking",
      icon: "assets/recipes/ic_cooking_pot.svg", // Extension svg
      badge: "3", // Optional, line can be removed if you don't need any badge
      context: context,
      label: "Cooking",
      icon: "assets/recipes/ic_cooking_pot.png", // Extension png
      context: context,
      label: "Coffee",
      icon: Icon(Icons.coffee_sharp), // Widget Icon

Component specific tokens

Soon available